GetResponse login: Step by Step guide on how to get started with a free account

Inspire Sphere
14 min readJul 9, 2023


GetResponse Login: How do I login or get started?

If you already have an account then, Here is how to get to the GetResponse login page,

Click the link below to get to the GetResponse login page:

If you don’t have an account then here is a step by step guide to create a free account.


Step one: Click below to Open GetResponse and you will be greeted with a page that looks like the one below.

GetResponse Main Page

At the bottom left, there is an email textField, enter your email and click CREATE FREE ACCOUNT

You will be taken to the next page that you will enter your full name and password. You won’t need to enter your email again.

GetResponse Create free account page
GetResponse Create free account page

Step two: Enter your Full Name and password and click CREATE ACCOUNT

You will be taken to a thanks for signing up page.

Thanks for signing up GetResponse Page

Simply click on go to email to continue.

Step three: Open your email and check for a new email from GetResponse, simply open it and click Activate my account

GetResponse please activate your account
GetResponse please activate your account

Step four: Fill out the GetResponse New Account form.

Fill out your name, address, country name and address.

Fill out your details

Step five: Onboarding: Answer the What do you want to focus on first?


This will help you to get started easier. Select an option most suitable to your needs or you can skip by selecting ‘I prefer to explore on my own’.

Step six: Your GetResponse Login dashboard

The final step is your dashboard. It has several options listed like the image below. You can create a newsletter, you can create a form, the choice is yours.

Step seven: Manage your GetResponse login account:

Click on the profile icon, it is located at the top right corner, or over at the top right corner, you will see a profile tool-tip, click on the icon underneath.

GetResponse Account Icon

Step eight: Upgrade your GetResponse login account:

Click on the profile icon located at the top right corner, and you will see a yellow button like the image above, click and you will be taken to a page to compare their plans and pricing. They do have a 30 day free access to premium features.

Now you have the steps to create your free GetResponse Login account!

What features does GetResponse offer?

GetResponse offers the following features:

  • Email Marketing: GetResponse allows you to create and send professional looking emails,including newsletters, promotions, and automated drip campaigns.
    2. Autoresponder: This allow you to send pre-written emails automatically based on specific triggers or actions.
    3. Website Builder: GetResponse allows you to create and customize professional-looking websites without technical skills and coding.
    4. Landing Pages: GetResponse allows you to create landing pages, and it also provides you with customizable landing pages which help tp capture leads and drive conversions.
    5. Segmentation: It also allows you to easily divide your users to smaller groups based on common characteristics or behaviors.
    6. Marketing Automation: GetResponse allows you to set up triggers and actions to send targeted messages based on subscriber behaviour and other criteria.
    7. SMS Marketing: GetResponse also gives you the ability to create and send SMS campaigns to reach your subscribers on their mobile devices in real-time.
    8. Web Push Notifications: If you want to notify subscribers or new content or modifications, GetResponse gives you the ability to send them web notifications directly.
    9. Live Chats: GetResponse gives you the ability to communicate with your website visitors in real time. This enables you to offer support and assistance while they browse.
    10. eCommerce Integrations: You can sync email lists with email stores, which enables you to automate campaigns based on customer behavior.

11. Conversion Funnel: This feature allows you to create customizable landing pages and forms to capture leads and drive conversions.
12. Popups & Sign-up Forms: GetResponse allows you to easily design and publish sign-up forms on websites ans soial media channels to collect email addresses.
13. Paid Ads: Easily create and manage online advertising campaigns to promote your business and drive traffic.
14. Webinars: GetResponse allows you to host online events such as webinars, workshops, and seminars, hence promoting them to your subscribers.
15. Integrations: Easily connect with other marketing and business tools, which include CRMs, social media platforms, and e-commerce platforms.
16. Reports & Analytics: Access detailed analytics on email performance, including open and click-through rates, and segment your audience based on their activity.
17. Lead Scoring: Assign scores to leads based on engagement and activity, helping prioritize follow-up efforts.
18. A/B Testing: Test different versions of emails and landing pages to determine the most effective ones.
19. Customer Support: Access a knowledge base, video tutorials, and receive email and live chat support.

How can GetResponse help with email marketing campaigns?

GetResponse offers a wide range of tools that help to streamline and enhance your email marketing campaigns. Here are some ways which GetResponse can assist you:

  1. Email Creation and Design:
    — GetResponse gives you a drag-and-drop email editor, which allows you to make visually appealing and professional-looking emails all without coding skills.
    — You are also given a variety of customizable email templates to suit different campaign objectives and industries.
    — GetResponse also offers support for responsice design which ensures that your emails look great on desktops, mobile devices, and tablets.

2. Contact Management and Segmentation:
— GetResponse supports the import and management of contact lists effectively, while also giving you the ability to segment your contacts based on various criteria, such as demographics, interests, or past interactions. (Segmenation allows you to send personalized and targeted emails resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates).
3. Automation and Autoresponders:
— GetResponse offers a robust automation feature that allows you to create automated workflows and triggers.
— You can set up autoresponders to send pre-designed email sequences based on specific actions or events, such as sign-ups, purchases, or birthdays.
— Automation helps save time, nurture leads, and deliver timely and relevant content to your subscribers.

4. A/B Testing:
— GetResponse enables you to perform A/B testing to optimize your email campaigns which enebles you to make data-driven decisions and improve the performance of your email campaigns.
— You can test different subject lines, content variations, or call-to-action buttons, to determine the most effective combinations.

5. Analytics and Reporting:
— GetResponse provides detailed analytics and reporting features to track the performance of your email campaigns.
— You can monitor open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and other key metrics.
— It offers visual reports and charts which help you to understand the effectiveness of your campaigns and to also make data-backed improvements.

6. Integration and Personalization:
— GetResponse integrates with various third-party tools. These include CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and social media networks. This allows you to streamline your marketing efforts.

-GetResponse also allows you to personalize your emails to insert specific information, creating a more tailored and engaging experience for your recipients.

In summary these features empower you to create, automate, and optimize your email marketing campaigns, ultimately driving better results and maximizing the effectiveness of your email communication with your audience.

Does GetResponse offer automation and segmentation tools?

The answer is Yes, GetResponse offers you robust automation and segmentation tools to help you streamline and personalize your email marketing campaigns. Let’s go through them below.

GetResponse has an automation feature that allows you to create automated workflows and triggers based on specific actions or specific subscriber events. You can easily design complex automation sequences without any coding abilities using the visual drag and drop automation builder.

1. Workflow Builder: This allows you to create automated workflows using a visual interface by connecting different actions, conditions, and events.
2. Event-based Triggers: You can set up triggers based on subscriber actions such as email opens, clicks, purchases, or form submissions.
3. Time-based Triggers: Basically Schedule emails or actions to be sent at specific intervals or times.
4. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Automatically send targeted emails to recover abandoned carts and encourage conversions. Very helpful.
5. Tagging and Scoring: Assign tags or scores to contacts based on their interactions, allowing for advanced segmentation and personalization.

GetResponse provides helpful segmentation tools to help you divide your contact list into specific segments based on various criteria. This allows you to tailor your email content and offers to different groups of subscribers. This increases relevancy and engagement. Key segmentation features include the following:

1. Custom Fields:Used to collect and store custom information about your subscribers and use it for segmentation.
2. Behavioral Segmentation: Used to Segment contacts based on their past interactions, like opens, clicks, purchases, or website visits.
3. Demographic Segmentation: Used to Divide your list based on criteria like age, location, gender, or other relevant demographics.
4. Campaign Engagement: Used to create segments based on subscribers’ engagement levels with your previous campaigns.
5. Dynamic Content: Used to personalize your emails with dynamic content blocks that adapt based on subscriber attributes or behaviors.

Using these automation and segmentation tools, you can create targeted and personalized email campaigns. This will help you nurture leads effectively, and deliver the right content to the right people at the right time, improving engagement, increasing conversions, and ultimately driving better results for your email marketing efforts.

Does GetResponse provide analytics and reporting features?

Yes and we will go through some examples:

1. Email Analytics:
— Open Rates: This helps you to measure the percentage of recipients who opened your emails.
— Click-through Rates: This is to help you keep track of the percentage of recipients who clicked on links within your emails.
— Unsubscribe Rates: This helps you to monitor the number of subscribers who opted out of your email list.
— Bounce Rates: This helps you to identify the percentage of emails that were undeliverable.
— Spam Complaints:This helps you keep track of any spam complaints received from recipients.
— Social Sharing: This is to measure the number of times your emails were shared on social media.

2. Conversion Tracking:
— Goal Conversion: This is for tracking and measuring specific goals, such as completed purchases, sign-ups, or downloads resulting from your email campaigns.
— E-commerce Tracking: This is for integration with your e-commerce platform to track revenue, average order value, and other sales-related metrics.

3. A/B Testing Reports:
— This is to help you compare the performance of different variations of your emails or landing pages to identify the most effective elements and optimize your campaigns.

4. List and Segment Performance:
— For monitoring the growth and engagement metrics of your contact lists and segmented groups.
— For track subscriber growth, engagement rates, and performance trends.

5. ROI Tracking:
— This is to help measure the return on investment (ROI) of your email marketing campaigns by tracking revenue generated and comparing it to your campaign costs.

6. Comparative Reports:
-For comparing the performance of different campaigns, newsletters, or automation workflows to identify trends and patterns.

7. Data Export and Integration:
— For exporting analytics data to further analyze or integrate with other tools and platforms for in-depth reporting and analysis.

Overall the analytics and reporting features provided by GetResponse empower you to evaluate the success of your email marketing efforts, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your campaigns for better engagement, conversions, and overall performance.

GetResponse Pricing and Plans

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, here are the pricing and plans for GetResponse, an email marketing and automation platform. Please note that pricing and plans may have changed, so it’s always best to visit the GetResponse website for the most up-to-date information.

GetResponse offers four different pricing plans: There is the Basic, Plus, Professional, and Max. These prices vary based on the number of subscribers you have and the features you need.

1. Basic Plan:
- Suitable for beginners and small businesses starting with email marketing.
- Pricing starts at $15 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers.
- Includes features like email marketing, autoresponders, basic landing pages, and a sales funnel (limited).

2. Plus Plan:
- Ideal for growing businesses that want more features and automation capabilities.
- Pricing starts at $49 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers.
- Includes all Basic features plus automation workflows, webinars (up to 100 attendees), contact scoring, and more.

3. Professional Plan:
- Designed for advanced marketers and businesses that require high-level automation and customization.
- Pricing starts at $99 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers.
- Includes all Plus features plus automation builder, webinars (up to 300 attendees), paid webinars, and advanced automation workflows.

4. Max Plan:
- Customizable plan tailored to large businesses and organizations with extensive marketing needs.
- Pricing varies based on the requirements.
- Includes all Professional features plus dedicated IP address, deliverability consulting, transactional emails, and more.

GetResponse also offers a 30-day free trial that allows you to explore the platform’s features before making a commitment.

GetResponse Integration and compatibility

GetResponse offers a range of integrations and compatibility with various platforms, tools, and applications to enhance your email marketing and automation efforts. Here are some notable integration options:

1. E-commerce Platforms: GetResponse integrates well with popular e-commerce platforms which include Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce. This enables you to seamlessly connect your online store, synchronize customer data, and create targeted email campaigns based on purchase behavior.

2. CRM Systems: GetResponse offers integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM enables you to sync and manage customer data across platforms, ensuring a unified view of your contacts and facilitating personalized communication.

3. Content Management Systems (CMS): GetResponse can integrate with CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. This allows you to embed subscription forms, capture leads, and automate email campaigns based on user interactions with your website or blog. Useful feature for website owners.

4. Webinar Platforms: GetResponse has its own built-in webinar solution, but it also integrates with popular webinar platforms such as Zoom, WebinarJam, and GoToWebinar. This enables you to manage webinars, capture leads, and nurture attendees with targeted follow-up emails.

5. Landing Page Builders: GetResponse provides a built-in landing page builder, but if you prefer to use external tools, it integrates with platforms like Leadpages and Instapage. This integration allows you to design and publish landing pages to capture leads and grow your email list.

6. Social Media: GetResponse integrates with social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can add social sharing buttons to your emails, run social media ads, and use social media data to segment your email lists.

7. Analytics and Tracking: GetResponse can be integrated with Google Analytics and other tracking tools to gather insights on email performance, conversion rates, and user behavior. This integration helps you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

GetResponse also offers API access, enabling you to create custom integrations with other applications and systems.

GetResponse support and resources

If you need help and support, GetResponse provides you with the following resources.

1. Customer Support: Email, live chat, and phone support. Basicaly you can reach out to their support team to ask questions, seek assistance, or report any issues you may encounter while using the platform.

2. Help Center: The Help Center covers topics such as email marketing, automation, landing pages, integrations, and more.GetResponse maintains a comprehensive Help Center that serves as a knowledge base for users which contains a wide range of articles, tutorials, guides, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you navigate and utilize different features of the platform.

3. Video Tutorials: GetResponse provides a collection of video tutorials that walk you through various aspects of using the platform. These video resources offer visual demonstrations and step-by-step instructions on setting up campaigns, creating automation workflows, designing emails, and other essential tasks.

4. Webinars and Training: GetResponse offers live webinars and training sessions to educate users about email marketing best practices, automation strategies, and advanced features of the platform. These sessions are conducted by experts who provide insights, tips, and real-world examples to help you achieve better results with your email marketing campaigns.

5. Community and Forums: GetResponse maintains an active community forum where users can connect, interact, and share their experiences, ideas, and best practices. The community forum allows you to seek advice, learn from others, and engage in discussions related to email marketing and GetResponse.

6. Blog and Resources: GetResponse’s blog provides valuable articles, industry insights, trends, and tips on email marketing, automation, lead generation, and more. It’s a useful resource to stay updated on the latest strategies and tactics for successful email campaigns.

7. Social Media: GetResponse maintains a presence on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These channels often share updates, tips, and resources related to email marketing and the use of GetResponse.

Deliverability and compliance

GetResponse places a strong emphasis on deliverability and compliance to ensure that your email campaigns reach the intended recipients and adhere to relevant regulations.

1. Deliverability: GetResponse employs various measures to maximize email deliverability. They maintain relationships with internet service providers (ISPs) and implement best practices to minimize the chances of your emails being marked as spam. GetResponse regularly monitors their email infrastructure, maintains proper authentication protocols (SPF, DKIM, DMARC), and monitors sender reputation to improve deliverability rates.

2. Compliance: GetResponse is committed to maintaining compliance with international email marketing regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States. They provide tools and features to help users comply with these regulations, such as double opt-in confirmation, unsubscribe options, and the ability to manage subscriber data securely.

3. Anti-Spam Policy: GetResponse has a strict anti-spam policy that prohibits the use of purchased or rented email lists and ensures that all recipients have given explicit consent to receive emails. They also have mechanisms in place to handle spam complaints and take appropriate action to maintain a clean and reputable email environment.

4. List Hygiene: GetResponse encourages users to maintain clean and engaged email lists by regularly removing inactive or disengaged subscribers. They provide features like list segmentation, engagement scoring, and automated list hygiene to help users manage and maintain healthy subscriber lists.

5. Bounce Handling: GetResponse automatically handles bounced emails and provides detailed bounce reports to help users identify and manage delivery issues. This helps maintain a good sender reputation and improve overall deliverability.

happy people
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

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Inspire Sphere

A Medium writer who discusses various topics providing helpful tips and insights.