Join the Slack Platform team in cities around Asia this November

Colm Doyle
Slack Platform Blog
2 min readOct 8, 2019

It’s been just over a year since the Slack Platform team toured Asia, and we’re overdue to visit again. From October 31st to November 14th, you can join us at ten different cities in Asia.

We’re excited to meet all of the builders and developers changing the way people work and collaborate. We’ll be stopping in ten different cities all over Asia and Australia this November to talk about all the exciting developments from Spec. In addition to discussing the latest Slack platform functionality, there will be plenty of time to meet the Platform team, and share your ideas and feedback on the Slack roadmap.

We’ll also be joining with our friends running one of the many local Slack Platform Community Chapters in the area.

We’re excited to hear from you, in turn, about what you’re building. You’ll get plenty of time with our developer relations team to show us what you have in the works, ask questions, and share feedback on our platform roadmap.

A note on sustainability

Whilst we love visiting the community of Slack developers throughout the world, and think that there’s no substitute for occasional face to face meetings, we’re also conscious of the environmental impact of international travel, especially when it involves flying.

With this in mind, we’re adopting a new policy when it comes to our regular developer tours. To start with, we’ll be calculating the CO2 output of all our air travel and purchasing carbon offsets at 200% of that output. Wherever possible, we’ll book accommodation that is based in LEED certified buildings, or is otherwise sustainably designed.

Finally, we know everyone loves swag, but it’s usually made of hard or impossible to recycle materials and hangs around the bottom of your backpack until it breaks. So going forward, all our printed materials will be made of 100% recycled paper and we’ll only give out items that we consider to have a long term value to the community, such as our Build book and our App UI Guidelines. One exception we’ll make is for stickers, as they’re small and have a minimal environmental footprint.

Registration details




South Korea



Looking for an event or a chapter closer to home? Visit us at to find your local community group — you can also apply to lead a chapter if there isn’t one in your town.



Colm Doyle
Slack Platform Blog

Developer Relations Lead for EMEA at @slackhq. Formerly at @KitmanLabs and @facebook