Bogotá: The Most Underrated Cycling Destination in Colombia.

5 min readMay 28, 2024


Decoding the debate about cycling in Bogotá, Colombia and exploring why it is often overlooked compared to other regions. Let’s uncover the charm of Bogotá and understand why it should be recognized as the top cycling destination in Colombia.

View of Bogotá’s savannah from Monserrate.

When you think of a bustling capital city like Bogotá, cycling might not be the first scene that springs to mind. Maneuvering through its urban labyrinth and grappling with traffic congestion hardly paints the picture of a “cyclist’s paradise.” But despite a population of over 11 million, the lack of a subway system, and some of the world’s heaviest traffic jams, Bogotá has a thriving cycling culture that transcends the chaos.

Cycling means more than daily commuting to Bogotános, also known as Rolos. It’s a way to escape from the urban hustle and enjoy the freedom of the expansive savannah in their backyard. This feature will explore the four compelling reasons why Bogotá shines as Colombia’s most underrated gem among cycling destinations.

Tominé Reservoir in Guatavita — a famous weekend cycling route for Bogotános.

1. Altitude Advantage

One of the most unique aspects of cycling in Bogotá is its altitude. At over 2,650 meters (8,500 feet) above sea level, it is the third-highest capital city in the world. Bogotá’s savannah is one of the highest compared to other parts of the country. This High Plateau, known as the ‘Altiplano,’ covers an area of 4,300 sq. km (1,500 sq. mi), similar to Greater London or Houston, Texas.

Although the thin air at such a high altitude can be palpable, cyclists of all skill levels consider it an advantage rather than a drawback. Riding at higher altitudes stimulates the body to naturally increase red blood cell production, improving oxygen-carrying capacity without controversial methods. Think of it as a natural EPO!

Despite professional cyclists from abroad gravitating toward other parts of the country for altitude training camps, Bogotá’s altitude benefits often remain overlooked. Altitude training can help to increase VO2 max, thus boosting aerobic capacity and overall performance. By navigating the city’s challenging terrain, cyclists can build endurance and strengthen their cardiovascular fitness. Bogotá is a natural playground for those seeking to optimize their health and achieve peak performance through cycling.

Descending the Eastern Cordillera from Guaduas, with an epic view of the Magdalena River below.

2. Year-round Cycling Weather

Unlike our distanced cousin, Medellín, Bogotá’s weather isn’t “eternally spring” but rather a “forever fall.” With temperatures hovering around 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 70°F) year-round, Bogotános can cycle without breaking a sweat — literally. Say goodbye to those scorching heatwaves and torrential downpours; Bogotá’s temperate climate guarantees every day is a riding day, no matter the season!

Cycling in cooler weather has many advantages. It helps regulate body temperature, reduces fluid loss, and lowers heart rates, which improves endurance. Moreover, the body’s metabolic rate increases in colder temperatures, leading to a greater reliance on fat for energy. This enables longer and more intense training sessions.

Bogotá’s consistent year-round cycling conditions leave cyclists no excuse to hit the road. While other places may face unpredictable weather swings, Bogotá stays steady, offering cyclists perfect riding conditions. Whether it’s the gentle spring breeze or the crisp winter mornings, Bogotá’s climate sets the stage for a year-round cycling adventure.

A crisp morning in Arboretto, with a view of the Embalse San Rafael.

3. Gateway to Anywhere

Bogotá’s accessibility is a game-changer for those eager to explore Colombia. As the nation’s vibrant hub, it is the perfect launchpad for countless epic cycling adventures.

You can seamlessly transition from the airport to the saddle in no time. With a 30-minute ride from the city, you can be completely in nature and surrounded by lush greenery. Many iconic Colombian destinations are just a stone’s throw away, such as Villa de Leyva, a colonial town frozen in time. Alternatively, you can venture across the Andes to Quindio, Colombia’s Coffee Heartlands, immersing yourself in the rich culture and breathtaking landscapes. For those seeking more of a challenge, conquering the legendary Alto de Letras, the world’s longest climb, promises an unforgettable experience. And let’s not forget the world’s second-largest canyon, Chicamocha Canyon, offers jaw-dropping sceneries of cacti forests.

Bogotá is an international transportation epicenter, making it the logical choice for those seeking to explore Colombia. Why bypass it when you must fly in and out from here anyway? Whether planning a multi-day adventure or a short weekend getaway, Bogotá isn’t just a destination; it is the perfect springboard to explore Colombia.

Villa de Leyva — A place frozen in time for centuries.

4. Tapestry of Terrains

The region’s topographic diversity sets it apart from other cycling destinations, making it possible to explore a wide range of landscapes in a single journey. Unlike other parts of the country, where the range of elevation and terrain is constant, Bogotá’s surrounding area offers a richer and more fulfilling experience.

Surrounded by the Department of Cundinamarca, Bogotá offers a vast range of terrains to uncover. From the top of Alto del Vino to Villeta and the historic town of Guaduas, you can experience over 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) of elevation difference, including three distinct climate zones, a feature only unique to this region. As you pedal through these diverse landscapes, prepare to be captivated by the breathtaking views around every corner. This Antiplano boasts a rich tapestry of natural wonders, ranging from lush valleys to rugged paramos, just waiting to be explored.

Let’s not forget one important aspect: the cultural tapestry that enhances the cycling experience in this area. The warmth and hospitality of the locals extend beyond the city limits, welcoming visitors and inviting them to experience the rich culture and traditions of the region. Whether you’re chatting with an onion farmer in the countryside or sharing a meal with a family-owned restaurant, each encounter offers a glimpse into the heart and soul of Colombia’s diverse communities.

Friendly locals at La Pradera, Cundinamarca.

Ultimately, we firmly believe that Bogotá, the buzzing metropolis capital of Colombia, is an under-appreciated gem in the world of cycling, waiting to be uncovered. Its unique combination of high altitude, year-round cycling weather, accessibility to other iconic destinations, and diverse terrains and cultures make it an extraordinary destination for riders of all levels.

At Colombici, we are here to guide you on your ultimate cycling adventure with our fully-supported tours, local expertise, and bespoke itinerary. Come and experience a game-changing adventure with us. We guarantee that our cycling holidays will leave you breathless!

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