I Want to be a Full Time Writer

But shhhhh….. don’t tell anyone.

Nicole Dake


Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

Having a little time off from having a day job, thanks to not having a Work Visa yet, is letting me get a glimpse of what it would be like to be a writer full time.

This morning, I already wrote three stories before 9am. I had time for a leisurely walk to get a coffee. Now, back to the drawing board.

Thinking about all the time I spend in front of my computer these days, I realize that I was writing a book instead of writing articles, I could have probably had one done by now.

But my thoughts are still too scattered with the move.

We are looking at houses, working on paperwork, and trying to find a rhythm to what we are doing here. For those of you that haven’t been following along, I just moved to Germany three weeks ago from the US.

American Expats Living in Germany

114 stories

There is a lot to be done. But in between that, we are finding time to explore our new country and enjoy life.

In so many ways, it is a new start that is completely different from what came…

