The Fascinating World of Eye Colors: Exploring Rarity, Illusions, and the Quest for Purple Eyes

Color Blind Test
5 min readMay 18, 2023


Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of eye color. Have you ever wondered what eye colors are the rarest and if purple are one of them? Let’s embark on a journey to discover the secrets of eye color.

But that’s not all. Have you ever wondered if you can create the illusion of black eyes with eye makeup or certain lighting techniques? We’re going to explore how to use these tricks to make your eyes look purple and add a touch of magic to your look.

And guess what? But wait, there’s still more to reveal about it. Is there a scientific experiment or discovery directed at developing eye color to purple? We take a look at the world of research and see whether exciting developments are emerging.

So get ready for an exciting adventure as we explore the rarest eye colors, the art of creating the illusion of purple eyes, and the scientific frontiers that are pushing the boundaries of eye color transformation.

Let’s unravel the mysteries and delve into the world of fascinating eye colors.

The Enchanting Purple Eyes
Fascinating Purple Eye

Exploring Rarity in Eye Colors

When it comes to eye colors, some hues are considered rarer than others. From the common shades of brown and blue to the less frequently seen greens and hazels, the world of eye colors is diverse and captivating.

But what about the elusive color of purple? Does it fall into the category of rare eye colors?

The truth is, true purple eye color in humans is exceptionally rare. While some individuals may have eye colors that appear violet or purplish under certain lighting conditions or due to specific eye conditions, genuine purple eyes are not a common occurrence.

The rarity of purple eyes adds to their allure and the fascination surrounding them.

To fully grasp the rarity of eye colors, it’s essential to consider various factors such as genetics, pigmentation, and the interplay of different genes. The complexity of these factors contributes to the wide array of eye colors observed in human populations.

While purple eyes may be a rarity, they continue to captivate our imagination and spark curiosity about the diverse nature of human traits.

Whether one possesses the common shades or belongs to the select few with unique eye colors, the beauty and individuality found in our eyes remind us of the wonders and variations that exist within the human experience.

Purple Eyes with Makeup and Lighting

Eye makeup and clever lighting techniques have the power to create captivating illusions, including the mesmerizing effect of purple eyes.

With the right combination of cosmetic artistry and strategic lighting, it is indeed possible to create the illusion of purple eyes.

Eye makeup, such as eyeshadows and colored contact lenses, can be used to mimic the appearance of purple eyes.

By applying shades of purple or violet eyeshadow, one can enhance the natural eye color or completely transform it, giving the impression of stunning purple eyes.

Additionally, lighting plays a crucial role in creating the illusion of purple eyes. Certain lighting conditions, such as soft or diffused lighting, can enhance the natural colors of the eyes and make them appear more vibrant.

By strategically manipulating lighting angles and intensities, it is possible to create a captivating illusion of purple eyes.

While these techniques offer temporary transformations and are widely used in the realms of artistry, photography, and theatrical performances, it’s important to note that the actual eye color remains unchanged.

The illusion of purple eyes through makeup and lighting is a testament to the creative possibilities and the art of optical illusions.

So, with a touch of makeup artistry and the magic of lighting, the enchanting allure of purple eyes can be achieved, allowing individuals to explore the captivating realm of fantasy and self-expression.

Advancements in Altering Eye Color

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the field of altering eye color through scientific advancements.

While the ability to change eye color to purple may sound like a concept straight out of science fiction, there have been some intriguing experiments and studies exploring the possibilities.

One approach that has gained attention is the use of specialized contact lenses. Researchers have been exploring innovative contact lens technologies that can alter the appearance of eye color.

By incorporating unique pigments or nanostructures into the lenses, scientists aim to create lenses that can give the illusion of purple eyes when worn.

Another avenue of research involves gene therapy. Scientists are investigating the potential of gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR-Cas9, to modify the genes responsible for eye color.

By targeting specific genes involved in pigmentation, it may be possible to introduce genetic changes that result in the expression of purple pigments in the iris.

However, it is important to note that these scientific advancements are still in the experimental stages and face numerous challenges. Safety, long-term effects, and ethical considerations are crucial factors that need to be thoroughly addressed before any widespread application.

Moreover, altering eye color to purple is not just a matter of scientific feasibility but also a matter of personal choice and cultural acceptance. It raises important questions about individuality, identity, and the ethics of manipulating natural features.

While the possibility of scientifically altering eye color to purple is an intriguing area of research, it is essential to approach it with caution and consider the potential implications.

Continued scientific exploration and advancements may shed more light on this fascinating field and potentially offer new possibilities for altering eye color in the future.


Exploring the realm of eye colors reveals fascinating insights into rarity, illusions, and scientific advancements. While purple eyes are considered rare and captivating, they are not commonly found among the general population.

Eye makeup and skillful lighting techniques offer the ability to create the illusion of purple eyes, allowing for creative expression and artistic transformations.

Furthermore, scientific research is continuously pushing boundaries in the field of altering eye color, including potential advancements in gene therapy and specialized contact lenses.

However, it is important to recognize that these scientific experiments are still in their early stages and come with various challenges and ethical considerations.

As we continue to delve into the mysteries of eye color, new discoveries may unfold, offering us a deeper understanding of the rarest hues and the possibilities that lie ahead.



Color Blind Test

Color blind test is a significant assessment utilized to evaluate an individual's ability to perceive colors accurately.