Sustaynabl Launches The Art of Skid Row

A photo book documenting homeless life in Los Angeles

Colton Boettcher
3 min readMay 24, 2016

The Art of Skid Row: Stories of LA’s Homeless will be launching and available for purchase on Friday, June 10. There will be a launch event at The Last Bookstore in Downtown Los Angeles at 7:00pm featuring a panel discussion of photographers involved in the project including: Skid Robot, Jasper De Jesus, Nadia Tyson, Alaina Pierce, Ed Freeman, and Donna Stellini. Elvis Summers, founder of Starting Human: A Tiny House Huge Purpose Project will have one of his tiny homes for the homeless on display at the Last Bookstore during the event.

Butter + Maria: Photographer, Ed Freeman
Photographer, Terry McLaughlin: Instagram @asteryx

The Art of Skid Row is an awareness campaign designed to shift the public perception of homelessness. The photo book documents the lives and stories of over 100 homeless persons living in Los Angeles. This book serves as a reminder to the human element of homeless. With the vision of our partner photographers; we take you on a journey to understand the underlying roots, causes and experiences of homelessness.

Letters. Sharing compassion + teaching empathy.

“At Sustaynabl we believe it is necessary to take a holistic approach in understanding the needs of all humans on the planet. To ensure a prosperous future for the human condition and experience we need to invest in housing that is affordable for everyone. With the purchase of this book everyone can participate in a long term solution to homelessness.”

- Colton Boettcher, Founder + CEO, Sustaynabl

“Thanks so much for letting me be a part of this great project. I feel very blessed to have been given the opportunity to use my skills/art for such a worthy cause. I don’t think I realized, or maybe I forgot, you guys are giving 100% of the profit to help with the housing situation. I’m so impressed.

I’ve always been service minded but when things got rough for us a few yrs ago, feeding and clothing the homeless got personal. I won’t go into it but, I can’t tell you how cool it is to get to merge two passions of mine.”

Alaina Pierce, Photographer, The Art of Skid Row

Christina + Toshonna. Photographer, Alaina Pierce: Instagram: @alainapierce

The Art of Skid Row is produced and published by Sustaynabl Inc., a Benefit Corporation. It can be purchased today by contributing to the book’s campaign on Indiegogo. 10% of profit is donated to Poverty Matters, a homeless services non-profit. The remaining 90% of profits fund the development of Sustaynabl affordable housing.

Order your copy today.



For more information or media requests, please contact:
Colton Boettcher

