How a Stablecoin Team can Compete against a Bank’s ‘Retail Footprint’

Colton Robtoy
3 min readSep 29, 2018


Leverage other Retail Space that is not Bank-Owned.

“person sitting on chair beside escalator” by Michael Weidemann on Unsplash

We know from these Tracks that Competing against Bank-Issued Digital Fiat is THE Most Important Fight for winning Stablecoin’s ‘Consumer’ use-case…

  1. Here is what Bank-Issued Digital Fiat is.
  2. Here is why Banks will issue it.

…And the only way you can successfully do that is if you can match the ~5,000 Retail Locations that the Big Boy Banks will use as Digital Fiat cash-in/cash-out points for their Customers.

Crypto ATMs

Take a look at a map and find out where all the different Crypto ATMs are in your country. My guess would be that most of them are sitting unused, and would love another avenue to get some more revenue.

Pick up the phone and Contact the Management Company. Cut a deal with them to allow YOUR Stablecoin Users to Desposit/Redeem YOUR Stablecoin for Physical Fiat there, for a low fee. (Hopefully a fee of 0.5% or lower)

My friend Ivan Paulo had an Opinion that a Stablecoin Team creating their own line of Crypto ATMs doesn’t scale well with the Depreciation Costs and all.

I agree with that View.

A Stablecoin Team creating their own line of Crypto ATMs means:

  1. More time spent building hardware.
  2. More money tied up in hardware.
  3. More maintenance overhead.
  4. More customer service issues.
  5. More time spent doing bespoke business deals for every retail location.

So it’s better to just Co-Opt others’ already-in-place Crypto ATMs to start.

Later on, transition to your own units if you are really gathering Momentum.

Gas Station Chains

Everybody stops at Gas Station Chains.

Different parts of the US are covered by different Gas Station Chains.

Cut a deal with them to allow YOUR Stablecoin Users to Desposit/Redeem YOUR Stablecoin for Physical Fiat there, for a low fee. (Hopefully a fee of 0.5% or lower)

Start here: 2018 Largest Gas Station Convenience Store Chains in the US


4,700 stores within 10 miles of 90% of the US population

That’s all you need to know.

Cut a deal with them to allow YOUR Stablecoin Users to Desposit/Redeem YOUR Stablecoin for Physical Fiat there, for a low fee. (Hopefully a fee of 0.5% or lower)

I think an Integrating with Walmart would be the Holy Grail (well, until they decide not to renew their agreement with you and decide to launch their own WalmartCoin Digital Fiat Product).

Western Union/Moneygram

Western Union: 44,000 Agent Locations in USA

Moneygram: 30,000 Agent Locations in USA

Cut a deal with them to allow YOUR Stablecoin Users to Desposit/Redeem YOUR Stablecoin for Physical Fiat there, for a low fee. (Hopefully a fee of 0.5% or lower)


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