Explain the Lifestyle of a Dropout Martial Arts Trainer

Columbia FamilyKarate
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


“To whom, we say a true martial arts trainer”

In today’s world, a true martial arts trainer those who were certified, experienced and publicly figured. Without being that, no institute or school hire them as an instructor. That’s why; many solo trainers open their own martial arts studio and offering various types’ art without maintaining an authentic relation with the statutory body.

“Is it necessary to have any certification?”

Some extent it’s necessary to have, because, that declares the profile of the trainers but it’s not mandatory.

Many martial arts experts knew for their unique form-style which they blessed to society without held any certification. It’s only about dedication, respect, kindness and proficiency in the art to whom they dedicate immensely.

“Officially Certified Vs Institute Dropout- Their way of presenting themselves to Society”

In the martial art society, you will come across with 2 types of trainers — officially certified and institute dropouts. These two trainers must be having the same style of skill and proficiency, but when you trace their grading and certification, you will always consider going with the certified one.

A dropout trainer is like a straggling cat that has the skill, but can’t leverage his or her students to get into World Championship. Being a parent, you desire to put your child in a bigger arena that has the limelight and here, the institute dropout trainer fails.

“How the society treats them and they keep themselves?”

Institute dropout trainers have a very bad reputation in our society. The number of students in their Dojo is less and no engagement with the belt gradation, national and international level championship.

If such type of trainer is running a martial art academy, it is very sure that the students enrolled with him are good for nothing. These students have poor skills, no perfect kata or kumite abilities. So, it is very necessary that whenever you enroll your child to a martial art school always go with a prior check and find out whether the school is an authentic one.



Columbia FamilyKarate

Our school consists of certified and expert instructors who offer martial arts training for the championship and full combat street fighting.