My 90 Day Challenge

Kay Columbo
2 min readOct 3, 2021


There’s nothing like a time-based challenge to jump start yourself out of a rut — and a rut I’ve been in lately. Anxiety on high, love handles getting fuller, and more cons than pros after every drinking episode.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Thus, I am going on something that always seems to set me right — a Challenge!

On the menu — 90 days of self discipline aimed at making me feel happier, less stressed, and more comfortable in my skin. I’m going to break this up into 3 monthly challenges with similar themes each month.

Here’s what’s up for October:

  1. No Drinking!
    You know that feeling when you wake up after drinking and feel more sad than before you went out? Or you feel embarrassed at everything you said? That’s me lately. Not a common theme historically, but common enough right now that I want to scale back my alcohol intake and walk away from the wine for a bit.
  2. 10 Minutes / Day of Peloton Exercise (even if it’s just a walk)
    I do in general work out 4–5x per week anyway, but the days I don’t work out, I really sloth hard. I’m going to try to be more balanced and make sure I take at least a little time for movement each day.
  3. At least one paragraph/day on Medium!
    This is a new one! But I think is very good for mental centering and “me time.” In November I may even explore some private journaling as well to be more in touch with how I’m feeling, but for now I’m just enjoying trying to get the writing juices flowing again.
  4. 2 Date Nights through the Month w/ the Hubbs
    So important — we don’t do this enough! I mean real date night where the ultimate key is romance and making time for the intimate parts of our relationship.

Anyone else have any life challenges going on for fall? Would love to hear.



Kay Columbo

Opinionated millennial. Likely one of world’s top cheese consumers. 21st Century Jack(ie) of All Trades.