Understanding Dungeons and Dragons Alignment: A Guide for Players

Combo Tumbler
6 min readMay 5, 2023


Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a role-playing game that has been captivating gamers for decades. One of the most important aspects of D&D is the concept of alignment. Alignment is the moral and ethical compass of your character in the game. Understanding your character’s alignment is crucial to creating a cohesive story and staying true to your character’s beliefs and values. In this guide, we will explore what alignment means in D&D and how it affects gameplay.

Understanding Dungeons and Dragons Alignment: A Guide for Players

What is Alignment in D&D?

In D&D, alignment is a system that categorizes the ethical and moral outlook of your character. It is an essential aspect of your character’s personality and can greatly impact their actions and interactions with others in the game. The alignment system is composed of nine alignments, each representing different combinations of ethical and moral beliefs.

The Nine Alignments in D&D

There are nine different alignments in D&D, divided into three categories: Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic. Within each category, there are three alignments: Good, Neutral, and Evil. Here is a brief overview of each alignment:

Lawful Good

A Lawful Good character is one who upholds the law and acts in a way that benefits society. They believe in doing what is right and just, even if it is not easy. A Lawful Good character values honor, loyalty, and selflessness.

Neutral Good

A Neutral Good character is one who seeks to do good in the world but does not necessarily believe in following the law or social norms. They are willing to break the rules if it means achieving a greater good. A Neutral Good character values freedom, compassion, and empathy.

Chaotic Good

A Chaotic Good character is one who values personal freedom above all else. They believe in doing what is right, regardless of what society or authority figures may say. A Chaotic Good character values individuality, independence, and empathy.

Lawful Neutral

A Lawful Neutral character is one who believes in maintaining order and following the law. They are not necessarily concerned with good or evil but rather with maintaining a stable and just society. A Lawful Neutral character values tradition, duty, and discipline.

True Neutral

A True Neutral character is one who believes in balance above all else. They seek to maintain a state of equilibrium between good and evil, law and chaos. A True Neutral character values balance, objectivity, and impartiality.

Chaotic Neutral

A Chaotic Neutral character is one who values personal freedom and independence above all else. They believe in doing what they want, when they want, without regard for others or society. A Chaotic Neutral character values spontaneity, independence, and individuality.

Lawful Evil

A Lawful Evil character is one who values order and control above all else. They believe in using the law to achieve their own goals, even if it means causing harm to others. A Lawful Evil character values power, control, and domination.

Neutral Evil

A Neutral Evil character is one who is primarily concerned with their own well-being and interests. They are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means hurting others. A Neutral Evil character values self-preservation, personal gain, and ambition.

Chaotic Evil

A Chaotic Evil character is one who values personal freedom and desires above all else. They believe in doing whatever they want, regardless of who it hurts or what the consequences may be. A Chaotic Evil character values violence, chaos, and destruction.

How Alignment Affects Gameplay

Alignment can greatly affect gameplay in D&D. Your character’s alignment can determine how they react to certain situations and how they interact with other characters in the game. For example, a Lawful Good character may refuse to break the law, even if it means saving someone’s life. On the other hand, a Chaotic Neutral character may be willing to break the law to achieve their goals, even if it means causing harm to others.

Alignment can also affect how your character is perceived by other characters in the game. A Lawful Good character may be respected and admired for their sense of justice and honor, while a Chaotic Evil character may be feared and avoided due to their violent and destructive tendencies.

Choosing an Alignment for Your Character

Choosing an alignment for your character is an important step in character creation. It can help you determine your character’s motivations, beliefs, and values. When choosing an alignment, it’s important to consider your character’s backstory, personality, and goals.

It’s also important to consider how your character’s alignment will affect their interactions with other players in the game. If you’re playing with a group of Lawful Good characters, a Chaotic Evil character may not fit in well with the group dynamic.

Tips for Roleplaying Your Character’s Alignment

When roleplaying your character, it’s important to stay true to their alignment. Here are some tips for roleplaying your character’s alignment:

- Understand your character’s motivations and beliefs.

- Consider how your character’s alignment will affect their actions and interactions.

- Stay true to your character’s alignment, even if it means making difficult choices.

- Don’t let your personal beliefs and values influence your character’s actions.

- Be consistent in your character’s behavior and decisions.

Alignment and Multiplayer Dynamics

Alignment can greatly affect multiplayer dynamics in D&D. If players have conflicting alignments, it can lead to tension and conflict within the group. However, if players have compatible alignments, it can lead to a more cohesive and enjoyable gaming experience.

It’s important for players to discuss their alignments and how they plan to roleplay their characters before starting the game. This can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the group dynamic will be a positive one.

Can Alignment Change?

Alignment is not set in stone and can change over time. Your character’s experiences and interactions with other characters in the game can influence their beliefs and values, leading to a shift in alignment.

However, alignment changes should not be taken lightly. A sudden shift in alignment can disrupt the game and lead to inconsistencies in character behavior. If you’re considering changing your character’s alignment, it’s important to discuss it with your DM and other players in the game.

Alignment and the D&D Universe

Alignment is an important concept in the D&D universe and can greatly affect the outcome of the game. In the D&D universe, certain spells and abilities may be affected by alignment, and some creatures may be inherently aligned to a certain moral or ethical outlook.

Common Misconceptions About Alignment

There are several common misconceptions about alignment in D&D. Here are a few:

- Alignment is not an excuse for a character to behave in a certain way. Players should still strive to create complex and nuanced characters, even within the constraints of alignment.

- Alignment is not a strict set of rules that must be followed at all times. Players should use alignment as a guideline, but ultimately, their character’s actions and decisions should be based on their unique backstory, personality, and motivations.


Alignment is a key concept in Dungeons and Dragons that can greatly affect gameplay and multiplayer dynamics. Understanding the different alignments and how they affect a character’s motivations and behavior can help players create more nuanced and interesting characters. It’s important for players to discuss their alignments and how they plan to roleplay their characters before starting the game to ensure a positive group dynamic. Alignment is not a strict set of rules, but rather a guideline that can be influenced by a character’s experiences and interactions with other characters in the game.


1. Can a character have a neutral alignment?

Yes, a character can have a Neutral alignment, which means they value balance and neutrality above all else.

2. Can a character change their alignment during gameplay?

Yes, a character’s alignment can change over time based on their experiences and interactions with other characters in the game.

3. Does alignment affect combat in Dungeons and Dragons?

Alignment can affect certain spells and abilities in Dungeons and Dragons, but it does not directly affect combat.

4. Can a character’s alignment affect their relationship with their deity in D&D?

Yes, a character’s alignment can affect their relationship with their deity in D&D. Certain deities may only grant spells to characters with specific alignments.

5. Is it possible for a Lawful Good character to work with a Chaotic Evil character in D&D?

It’s possible, but it may be difficult for these characters to work together due to their conflicting moral and ethical outlooks. Players should discuss their alignments and how they plan to roleplay their characters before starting the game to ensure a positive group dynamic.

