Paracosm Manifesto

2 min readJan 30, 2020


Repetitive actions, rules and constructs largely govern our life — it bores us.

We lack a deep sense of meaning, despite being inundated with new goods, services and information. We waste time while waiting for something interesting.

We notice the acceleration of time, but are unable to determine the cause of this acceleration: the absence of new impressions that generate and situate core milestones on our timelines.

We create imaginary worlds called paracosms; we set the rules of how they evolve and write their histories with our deeds. We share all of this with others, because others — witnessing or participating in our adventures — magnify the value of our experience.

While we respect the principles of humanism, we remember that paracosms are not real and everyone has the right to play roles that may appear adversarial at first glance.

We do not bring negative attitudes to the real world: our foes in paracosms may be good people in real life, and we appreciate their efforts; this makes the paracosmic experience more diverse.

We agree that artificial intelligence ought to have the same rights in the paracosms as in the corporeal world. By co-existing in such an environment we expect to learn more about each other and ourselves.

Some may say that we escape reality … when in reality — we extend it.

