Everything you will ever need to know about Walk on Glass

Toughlaze UK
3 min readJul 17, 2018


Did you know there was such a thing as walk on glass? Well, there is and this article will tell you everything you need to know so when you next come across it you will actually have the confidence to take the plunge and walk over it.

There is something really mysterious about walking over a glass bridge or glass floor and people often have to force themselves to do it as your brain quite rightly is telling you not to do it and that it isn’t safe.

Walk on Glass

What is Walk on Glass?

Walk on glass is a specialist glass that is specifically manufactured to be strong enough for people to walk over it.

Walk on glass is often specified in architectural designs when natural light is needed to penetrate up and down between floors. It can be used for walkways, stairs, cellars, patios, decking, water attractions and many more. It creates a dramatic visual effect in any structure and is always a talking point for people who have or are thinking about visiting.

Is Walk on Glass Safe?

A lot of us would say that glass floors are not as strong as floors supported by joists, however, we would be wrong in saying this. Let’s face it we don’t ever think about walking on an upper floor if it is wood-based and worrying we might fall through if it doesn’t support us as we have all grown up with this as standard.

Glass floor panels are built by laminating two to three pieces of tempered glass together and they are then placed into a specifically manufactured supporting structure around the joins. Most experts would say that glass flooring can have 2 times the strength and support of a wooden floor.

Can Walk on Glass be used Outside?

Walk on glass can definitely be used inside and out. A lot of people now use walk on glass as decorative decking material which is as fully functional as wooden decking just a lot more attractive.

Wood or metal deck removes light to lower level spaces, however, walk on glass floor panels incorporated into a deck results in the light still passing through to the lower levels. You can incorporate LED lighting around the panels and have different coloured glass which will really showcase your outside space off at night.

Is Glass Flooring Slippery?

Walk on Glass is made with either a sandblasted or patterned ceramic top surface which provides a non-slip surface, even when the glass is wet. Glass floors without this will always be unsafe to walk on as you can easily slip just like if you have a wet tiled floor in your bathroom or kitchen.

Is Glass Flooring always Clear?

Walk on Glass can either be frosted or have an acid etched finish to allow light movement between floors while maintaining the privacy of the people walking on them from eyes below.

Coloured Glass Flooring

Yes, its really simple, walk on glass floors can be different colours and with natural light and electrical lighting, you can really make it a contemporary and bright showpiece in your home, office or building.

Glass Flooring Sizes

Glass floor panels can be made to span larges areas of flooring as they can be engineered and manufactured with different supporting structures. Using multiple layers of laminated glass and different thicknesses, longer continuous spans are always possible.

Walk on Glass from ToughGlaze

We have the widest range of anti-slip patterned walk on glass finishes available in the UK market. To accommodate for the demand for innovative solutions to walk on roof lights, glass treads and glass floors, we now have 5 different pattern finishes as a standard to offer our customers.

Glass floors are a much-specialised market and ToughGlaze follow strict design and safety specifications in all walk on glass production and take the loading requirements and support structures into account when producing it.

ToughGlaze can supply Toughened or Laminated Glass to meet almost any specification. If you are looking for Walk on Glass in London then give us a call on 0208 838 4400 and one of our expert team will be able to help you.

Find out everything you need to know about our services and the glass we manufacturer to specification here: http://commercialglassandglazing.com/london/walk-glass/

