How to Increase Profit with Business Process Management?
Business process management is a systematic approach that uses various methods to analyze and measure the workflow of an organization more effectively and efficiently. A business process coordinates the set of activities like behavior of people, systems, information etc. to attain a specific organization goal.
Benefits of Business process management (BPM) are it enables organizations to manage internal business function with customer needs at low cost. It helps to direct, monitor and measure organization resources. It helps in optimizing companies resources by enhancing its efficiency and productivity at reduced costs. It helps in minimizing errors and risk. It changes business environment faster than competitor and keep you ahead.
• Agility:- In business changes is must, only those companies succeed who best manage changes. Changes can be due to market demand, new regulation or the new way of working. The Business Processes Management provides the flexible tool that is easy to design, change or deploy at minimal costs. It helps in process management, rule management and integration and automation.
• Staff Satisfaction:- Business Processes Management leads to better satisfaction to dedicated staff as they can spend more time on other activities since the main support functions will be handled when the system is bottleneck. It also leads to better team collaboration as they can focus on their task by having all the information they need in one place. As a result Business Processes Management cut off lot of repetitive work and makes information access easier. This helps in increasing productivity and making staff happier.
• Clear Visibility:- The visibility of business process provides the organizations the opportunity of greater accountability for departmental functions, from tracking and monitoring expenditures to save their resources. Business Processes Management create better-designed, executed and monitored process to minimize the risk of fraud and affirming that all employees are aware of their responsibility. Manager can have real-time visibility of all the activities.
• Compliance:- Organizations need to be compliant with labor laws, SEC mandated financial reports, government rules and regulations. When you adopt Business Processes Management, you can keep track of their obligations and follow clearly outlined processes and stay aware of changing laws. Companies can avoid unwanted cost of non-compliance.
• Customer Focus:- Customer always demands, how their needs will be listening. Leaner processes will enable employees to focus on the customer. Comindware bring people and technology come closer. It provides collaboration with the customer on real time.
• Repeatability:- Business Processes Management execute each task as it is planned or designed even if roles are changed unless exceptional situation are clearly mentioned to handle.
• Adaptability:- Business processes are adaptable to changes occurring in the organization so they can deliver expected result.
• Measurability:- Business Processes Management provides reporting and analytical tools for recording and monitoring to receive accurate information as and when required. By Business Processes Management it is easy to locate the necessary data and quickly produce relevant reports. This helps to manage people and processes providing organization to optimize its workflow.
• Avoid waste:- Business Processes Management helps in management of assigning and tracking available resources. It helps in reducing waste of resources. It helps in identifying available resources and utilizes them to enhance efficiency and profitability of an organization.
• Technology Integration:- Business Processes Management bridges the communication gap between business user and IT as it focuses on processes not on application.
COMM-IT India has an experience of a decade in implementing BPM enabled solutions. They have market tested approach to implement BPM. They have experienced and vast resource pool of domain experts, process consultants, BPM architects and BPM developers. They have competency on almost all the known BPMS platform. They develop pre-build BPM frameworks and accelerators on various business processes to help you get started quickly. They have strong partnership with BPM vendors.