Introducing Common Interest

Common Interest
3 min readSep 11, 2018


“We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth…”

— John Perry Barlow, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

In 1996, internet pioneer John Perry Barlow penned a manifesto in which he extolled the virtues of the newly created cyber world, envisioning a system that transcended identity, national sovereignty, and the state; a system that connected the world and empowered us to create a better future. Now, twenty years on, it is clear the internet has fallen short of that promise. While the internet has created a tremendous amount of value, connecting the world and enabling an age of infinite leverage, it has not contributed to significantly decrease global economic inequality. Rather, co-option of new technologies toward the ends of driving ever increasing share prices at the expense of stakeholders has concentrated returns for the few without a commensurate return in digital dividends — growth, jobs and services — to the many. The incentives are broken and we need to fix them.

A way forward: Enabling a new type of organization

At Common Interest, we’re committed to fixing them. Through the use of blockchain technology, we are working on defining a new type of organization. One that removes the extraction imperative, instead fostering an ecosystem of competitive organizations beholden to their stakeholders. One that breaks down traditional barriers, enabling anyone to partake in the global economy. At Common Interest we are building the operating system for incentivized, scalable, and sustainable organizations:

Incentivized organizations accountable to long-term stakeholder value rather than short-term shareholder profits. Utilizing curve bonded tokens and reputation building to align participants, reward contributors, and provide token liquidity.

Scalable organizations transcending geographic boundaries, unlocking opportunity, and enabling a truly global economy. Increasing social scalability through the use of curation to aggregate participants, quadratic voting to achieve consensus, and token staking to hold them accountable.

Sustainable organizations capturing value through the facilitation of economic activity and funding organizational operations through token inflation. Designed to organically assemble and dissolve as the market desires.

The end goal is a rich, emergent ecosystem of interoperable organizations. Skills-based organizations specializing in specific domains: design, development, translation, research, strategy; community-based organizations aggregating members around shared interests and creating incentives to drive them forward; and cooperative organizations coordinating other organizations to achieve specific milestones. Each working together to define a new ontology for human organization.

We envision a future where incentivized organizations create massive value for their stakeholders. Similar to the way the corporations created vast amounts of value for shareholders.

Enter Common Interest

Common Interest is an operating system for decentralized organizations, providing the incentive and governance structures along with an easy to use interface. Enabling anyone to create an incentivized organization with a push of a button, without the need for technical expertise.

Enabling anyone to create an incentivized organization with a push of a button.

Over the next few months we’ll be working with select organizations to alpha test our offering, iterating rapidly to reach product market fit. If you’re interested in building a Common Interest organization, please reach out at

Tarrence Van As and Franz Tschimben during the Blockchain Week in Berlin

Join the journey

If you’re interested in hearing more and in contributing, sign-up for our newsletter, follow us on twitter, and join us on telegram.

Authors: Tarrence Van As & Franz Tschimben, Co-Founders of Common Interest

