Episode 67 The Future of B2B E-Commerce

1 min readMay 1, 2018


E-commerce is now over twenty years old.

Amazon has been in business for 23 years.

In the early days, many of us in the industry panicked because of the e-commerce revolution, and now, 20 years later, it has not put a dent in the business like we thought it would, though it has changed buyers’ expectations.

In this episode, commonsku’s Chief Platform Officer, Mark Graham, and I explore what the future of B2B e-commerce could look like. We share our failures at trying to build our own e-commerce solutions and walk through what the buyer’s experience could be if we simply challenged our conventional views of e-commerce and re-imagined the buyer’s journey.

Join us as we debunk some sacred views of e-commerce and think through the lens of customer experience rather than product transactions.

commonsku is an effortless business management platform that empowers you to process more orders and handle more business. Learn more at commonsku.com.

Originally published at commonsku blog.

