Why Fullstack developers are in demand?

3 min readOct 17, 2018


Source: Hacker Earth

‘Fullstack developer’ is one of the roles that is in demand these days. Infact, the demand for full stack developers has gone up by 72% in the last 3 years compared to before that. Full-stack developers are also much better paid than most of the other roles in the software engineering field.

So, What is a full stack developer? Why is it in demand right now?

Full stack developer:

Full-stack developer= Front-end Development + Back-end Development + DevOps + Design

A full-stack developer must know how to deploy, optimize, automate the application. In short, full-stack developers are sort of all-rounders.

Traditional roles in the IT industry:

Some of the common roles that traditionally exist in the software field are:

  1. Software developer/ engineer/ analyst
  2. Database analyst/ admin
  3. Backend developer
  4. Network specialist
  5. Back-end developer
  6. Test engineer/automation engineer

Most of these roles are specializations in a particular field.

So, does being Full stack developer mean being proficient at everything?

The T-Model: (Source: What is a Full-stack web developer? By Eric An)

Full-stack developers replicate the T-model. That means, the developer should have knowledge across wide-breadth of technologies and platforms but in-depth knowledge about a couple of those concepts like a ‘T’.

Now let’s take a look at the reasons this full stack engineers are in demand.

Emergence of startups:

The increasing number of startups are contributing to the demand in two ways:

In an effort to reduce costs, startups would like to hire a single person with several skills than several persons with several skills.

Startups are increasingly becoming micro-specialized. That means, there are some startups which are really good at just some components of back-end and so on. Large companies are not hesitating to break the projects and outsource it to these companies and they need people at their end who can co-ordinate such projects. Hence, hiring Full-stack developers makes a lot of sense.

Changing culture inside a company:

With companies having teams working from around the world, it is becoming necessary that there should be employees who understand, discuss and address all parts of a development cycle.

Being a full stack developer, helps an employee be a better team player. Full-stack developers work better in the team, because they know and understand the tools that other team members use, and this makes the team more flexible.

Programming efficiency:

Fullstack developers are responsible for end-to-end development. Hence, the programming language remains the same. Keeping the programming language same throughout the stack leads to easier debugging & lower costs.

Overall, companies see a huge benefit in hiring Full-stack developers. That is reflected with more and more people being hired for the role & the salary paid to them.

College should lay the foundation for the students to become full stack developers. This would undoubtedly give colleges the edge during Campus Placements.

