How Did These 6 Engineers Answer The Same 5 Questions?

Read through to benefit from their answers.

6 min readAug 24, 2022

Format of the answers :


Name of the engineer, Degree, Year of Graduation

1. What do you enjoy most about being an engineer?

Engineering is all about problem solving where you apply your skills to build or find a solution for an existing situation or to fulfill customer requirements. The most exciting moment for me is when my solution works, and my customer is satisfied.

Abbas Nemr, M. Sc. A (Master in applied Science), 2009

I enjoy being able to use engineering skills to research and develop new products or innovations across many different fields, mainly robotics and commercial products.

Ahmad Aboughaida, Computer Engineering, 2019

I enjoy being strong at breaking down and analyzing whatever I encounter in a very logical manner.

Jihad Abdallah, Electrical Engineering, 1997

My skills can be used across different industries (technology, retail, financial, consulting, transport, etc.) and I have a flexible work time.

Mahdi Jomblat, Electrical engineering, 2016

I love finding and creating solutions as well as resolving issues.

Majed Mawassi, Electrical Engineering, Specialty IT, 1997

What I enjoy the most about being an engineer is the designing and the planning to achieve a project: whether it’s setting up a software or adding a new technology to a company. It’s all about making a plan of action, having an overall view of the project and knowing what its impact will be.

Manel Balti Kadri, IT Engineering, 2021

2. What is the most important skill to acquire as an engineer?

The most important skill is to “learn and be curious”. An engineer has to always sharpen his skills and gather more knowledge all throughout his career

Abbas Nemr, M. Sc. A (Master in applied Science), 2009

The most important skill to acquire as an engineer is to be able to problem-solve. Finding the most efficient solutions through proper analysis, computation, tools, and learning.

Ahmad Aboughaida, Computer Engineering, 2019

Being methodical and analytical are very crucial skills to have as engineers

Jihad Abdallah, Electrical Engineering, 1997

Knowledge and expertise in your field (technical or management). Being an expert in your field will provide you opportunities. You can reach this level by learning new tools, passing certifications, going beyond your tasks and understand the in and out of your project.

Mahdi Jomblat, Electrical engineering, 2016

Being able to see the bigger picture in every problem you have to resolve. This will help with your problem-solving skills.

Majed Mawassi, Electrical Engineering, Specialty IT, 1997

The most important skill in engineering is to be autonomous and self-taught, in the sense that you always have to learn by yourself. Especially in computer science (IT), technology continues to evolve, so you always have to be up to date by yourself, be able to develop your knowledge and be informed about new technologies.

Manel Balti Kadri, IT Engineering, 2021

3. What is one piece of advice you would give students today?

Have patience to achieve your goals and insist on the highest standards i.e. quality not quantity. Although delivering more results is important, you have to always observe the quality of your work. I would like to add another piece of advice: you have to love what you are doing (your job, your specialty…)

Abbas Nemr, M. Sc. A (Master in applied Science), 2009

Make sure you get hands-on experience outside of the classroom. This way you will be comfortable applying your knowledge in an industry setting after you graduate.

Ahmad Aboughaida, Computer Engineering, 2019

Never give up your goals to become successful engineers. Being perseverant helps you succeed at everything you do.

Jihad Abdallah, Electrical Engineering, 1997

Internships (more than one if possible)

Get you more job opportunities: companies love candidates with experience. Having an internship experience will provide you a huge advantage over fellow new graduates. You will have the opportunity to understand how a company works and how to apply your skills in a work environment. It will give you something extra to put on your resume other than school projects.
The skills you acquire in a work environment will always be useful in any type of companies (e.g. management, testing, developing, presentation skills, computer program knowledge (word, power point, excel, Microsoft project, etc.), consulting, worksite experience in construction, etc.)

Build connection: When you do internships, you are building relations with potential future employers. Multiple students are employed by the same company that they interned for.

Know what you like: You think you like something until you try it. Internships will give you a taste of a specific company and a specific field, you will know better after the internship if this field or company is the right fit for you. Better know it in an internship than in a permanent position.

Mahdi Jomblat, Electrical engineering, 2016

Try to find a way to enjoy all your courses and learn as much as you can whether it is in theory or practical situations.

Majed Mawassi, Electrical Engineering, Specialty IT, 1997

One piece of advice would be to learn to work in teams. Most of the jobs/tasks you will have will be done in teams. So you have to be able to transmit your knowledge and verbalize it by making it simpler, since you can work with people who don’t have the same knowledge as you. Thus, knowing how to share tasks and be organized is crucial to your teamwork.

Manel Balti Kadri, IT Engineering, 2021

4. What are you most thankful for in your engineering career?

Besides the providence of God, I’m mostly grateful to the mentors who helped me succeed during each stage of my career. Make sure you always surround yourself by great knowledgeable teammates and supervisors.

Abbas Nemr, M. Sc. A (Master in applied Science), 2009

I am most thankful for my father and brother because as engineers themselves, they helped guide me and tutor me in advanced subjects such as control systems, fluid mechanics, calculus, etc.

Ahmad Aboughaida, Computer Engineering, 2019

I am most thankful to be able to work as a respected engineer in a professional environment.

Jihad Abdallah, Electrical Engineering, 1997

Engineering is a very wide, the new graduate must have a career strategy to know what type of company to apply for, where, what extra skills I need to get to a certain position. If you do not strategies you will miss opportunities, you might work in a field that you don’t like for a long time, you might not advance in your career as you wish. I am thankful that I was always asking and researching before getting into anything, this propelled my career.

Mahdi Jomblat, Electrical engineering, 2016

I am mostly thankful to the great leaders I had the opportunity to work with and learn from.

Majed Mawassi, Electrical Engineering, Specialty IT, 1997

I’m thankful that my career is built around a very varied field. I can have technical and non-technical tasks. I can collaborate in many different projects. I can have acquaintances pretty much everywhere. Hence, I can work in different fields, such as the medical field, in robotics, etc.

Manel Balti Kadri, IT Engineering, 2021

5. When under pressure, what is your source of motivation?

My faith and my family are my source of inspiration. When under pressure, remind yourself why you do what you are doing.

Abbas Nemr, M. Sc. A (Master in applied Science), 2009

My main source of motivation is my family. I want to be able to provide for them as well as make them proud. I also believe it is very important to become an expert in your field/trade.

Ahmad Aboughaida, Computer Engineering, 2019

Having a secure income, comfortable life, a supportive family and career improvements are all motivations for me to deal with an under pressure situation.

Jihad Abdallah, Electrical Engineering, 1997

As an engineering student, we pass through multiple hurdles, so we are brought to find creative ways to solve problems and search for the right information. In pressure situations, I remember that everything is in the hands of God and I remember the obstacles I was able to overcome and how it is possible to do it in the current situation. I make sure that I am always communicating the situation clearly and I am working to the fullest of my ability.

Mahdi Jomblat, Electrical engineering, 2016

My source of motivation is always to keep my confidence in me and my work and never lose hope. Team working also motivates me to continue and not give up.

Majed Mawassi, Electrical Engineering, Specialty IT, 1997

What motivates me when I’m under pressure is seeing the end of the tunnel. In other words, looking at what the end of the project is and seeing the end goal is what really motivates me to keep going and endure all the pressure that is on my shoulders.

Manel Balti Kadri, IT Engineering, 2021




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