2023 High School Summit Speaker — Simbarashe Mhaka


About the High School Summit.

The High School Summit is an annual hybrid event that brings together high school students from around Africa, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration they need to become effective changemakers in their communities and beyond. Through interactive workshops, keynote speeches from inspiring thought leaders, and opportunities for networking and collaboration, the summit offers a unique and engaging space for young changemakers to connect, learn, and take action.

About Simbarashe Mhaka.

We are thrilled to have Mr Simbarashe Mhaka as one of our esteemed speakers!


SDG Advocate | Communities Will Connect Ambassadors


Simbarashe Mhaka a young global changemaker || Active advocate for equitable and quality education sustainable development goal number 4 || Advocate and Ambassador for Lives for Literacy Organization (L4L)” based in Montreal, Canada on the mission to eradicate illiteracy across the globe || Student Advisor at Inquisitive Youth of Africa || Peer Educator at Youth Talk Organization || Volunteer and Ambassador at Communities Will Connect Initiative founded in Nigeria. He has mentored more than 200 students, inspiring them to become Global changemakers by advocating for the SDGs.

Simbarashe will be speaking on the topic “The power of digital literacy to directly function on e-commerce.

Learn more | www.highschoolsummit.com/speakers

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Communities Will Connect Initiative

Empowering young students in rural communities with digital tech skills and providing them with opportunities around the world.