BUFF is an ICO for gamers. But what’s that?

Community BUFF
2 min readJun 28, 2018


Gamers like you pretty much just want to play. You can probably identify the elements that make a game good, but unless you intend to pursue a career as a game creator, there isn’t really any need to give yourself a headache trying to understand the technical details.

So, BUFF’s loyalty reward system for gamers may sound appealing to you, but where’s the app? And what’s an ICO? Why can’t you install BUFF now and get back to playing?

ICO stands for “Initial Coin Offering”. It’s a relatively new way for a business to raise large funds for development and production by selling off a unique coin (also known as a token or cryptocurrency). In this way an ICO can be compared to an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in which investors purchase shares of a company.

Cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain technology, and any company (like BUFF) that relies on blockchain for its product is perfectly positioned to reap the rewards of holding an ICO, which includes an early injection of funds that often guarantee that business multiple years of development and attempts at creating long-term growth. While companies generally have to prove their worth to investors with years of continued success in order to hold a good IPO, smaller ventures can rely more on potential and get a good launching platform through a successful ICO.

Companies that hold ICOs are often referred to themselves as ICOs and BUFF is one of them. BUFF is now in the phase of preparation for their ICO. That means that the BUFF app isn’t available just yet, but marketing is in full swing as part of a general push to ensure a successful ICO, which in turn will feed growth and development for years to come.

So, BUFF is trying to spread the word and reach out to as many gamers as possible who could be accumulating tokens while playing and using them to purchase all kinds of in-game virtual goods. Aiming to convince their gaming audience of their potential, BUFF has released what’s known as a minimum viable product (MVP), which is essentially like a sample of the pies or cookies out on the counter for anyone to try.

If the BUFF concept has you excited, trying the MVP is definitely the next step to take and any and all feedback is welcome. So what are you waiting for? Get to know your first ICO — get to know BUFF.

Want to be one of the first gamers to try out the BUFF Alpha? Join ourDiscord- the waiting list will be open soon!

