The BUFF roadmap: Next stop, ICO!

Community BUFF
3 min readJun 25, 2018


When you’re determined to get buff, you head to the gym and start eating appropriately. You can change your life overnight with such a decision, immediately exercising 5 hours every day and eating nothing but protein and carbs, but the road to rock hard abs still takes time. It’s a process — one that’s full of rewards. And so it has been to create BUFF — the system that rewards you just for playing your favorite games.

Let’s face it: if you’re into gaming, you’re most likely staying up late battling bosses or destroying your opponents online rather than spending 5 hours working out every day. But that’s exactly what BUFF is for — to buff up your gaming experience, not your muscle mass. And you probably won’t even notice you’re getting BUFF while gaming since the system is so seamless. But you would almost certainly be painfully aware that you were getting buff by spending hours in a stinky gym.

BUFF acts as a loyalty reward program for gamers, allotting BUFF coins according to time spent gaming, in-game progress, achievements and online victories. The BUFF coin is a cryptocurrency that can be redeemed for in-game items and other virtual goods in any BUFF integrated title (even if you made the coins playing a different game).

As a simple, inobtrusive overlay, BUFF makes it happens seamlessly without the need for any extra hardware and without interfering with the game. BUFF is giving players more value for their play time, creating more gamers and incentivizing them to play more, which benefits game publishers in the form of a new stream of revenue and increase brand exposure.

And where is this promising venture headed?

With its app having been recently released in its alpha version, BUFF is pressing full steam ahead and the first big stop on their track is a successful ICO.

In 2018 BUFF plans to complete that ICO and launch a desktop version of the system including 5 leading gaming brands like “League of Legends” and “Dota 2”. During a 6-month “beta” phase this year, BUFF intends to offer BUFF coins to the more than 15 million users of the Overwolf gaming platform before marketing to wider audiences. ERC20 smart contracts that execute behaviors and help test various BUFF features will all be published on GitHub.

In 2019, BUFF will be going mobile and focusing on adding many more gaming brands. On the marketing side, user acquisition campaigns will be increased to build and bolster the BUFF community. You know, to get it buffed up.

The agenda shifts again for 2020, including the launch of an SDK to allow publishers to self-service BUFF integration and expand the reach of the system. Support for major consoles like Playstation and Xbox is another big goal for the year and marketing efforts will be doubled to fuel the growth of the BUFF community.

Looks like BUFF is leveling up right along with you.

Want to be one of the first gamers to try out the BUFF Alpha? Join our Discord- the waiting list will be open soon!

