Want to get more out of gaming? BUFF is the answer

Community BUFF
3 min readMay 6, 2018


Want to get more out of gaming? Then BUFF is the answer, with a model that adds both incentive and entertainment value to gameplay. How do you give gamers value for gaming, and how do you increase the entertainment of something that’s already so much fun? Those questions can be answered by taking a closer look at BUFF’s key features.

Get “BUFF” by ‘mining’ (with no hardware requirements)

No, not BUFF with big muscles and not mining with a pickaxe. It’s the 21st Century, and there are new ways of ‘mining’ for wealth, even while playing a game. That’s right, BUFF’s most important feature is to reward gamers for their time, progress and achievements by allowing them to gradually accrue BUFF coins — a Blockchain-based cryptocurrency that can be spent on in-game purchases across gaming platforms. And it’s all done without the need for any extra hardware, so all you have to do is enjoy your games and benefit from a seamless process by which you’ll slowly build up a stockpile of BUFF coins that can be used to unlock the next level or that new special item you’ve got your eye on.

Mobility and community

BUFF is overflowing with opportunities for gamers and providers thanks to its flexibility. Built as a single-page add-on coded in html and Java, BUFF can be integrated with countless games, giving providers an easy way to incentivize gamers to game. BUFF’s easy access to so many games and platforms is also a win for gamers, who can earn BUFF coins in one game and spend them on virtual goods in another, including skins, mods, items and unlocking new levels. Like any other currency, BUFF coins also have an inherent value of their own and can be traded with other players or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies and fiat money.

Be a BUFF winner

Just like you level up in-game, you can also level-up your BUFF status the more you play, yielding bonuses to the amount of coins you’ll earn in the future. A high-tier BUFF member, for example, will earn 20% more BUFF coins than a lower-tier one, incentivizing more game time and let’s face it, more fun. Unrelated to your BUFF status, however, are the additional discounts you can get on virtual goods by using BUFF. This is made possible thanks to BUFF’s practice of buying items in bulk from game publishers at lower prices, which are then made available at the BUFF store.

Unparalleled security

BUFF’s tight-knit integration with Blockchain technology also brings the platform a truly unprecedented level of security for both players and publishers while lowering transaction costs. The decentralized Blockchain model means suspicious activity and abnormal statistics created by malicious users, fraud, bots and cheats will be quickly identified and subjected to consensus arbitration.

With such a list of features and benefits, don’t you think it’s time to get BUFF? Visit our website and join our Telegram group to learn more!

