Legend Of The 7 Kingdoms
Legend Of The 7 Kingdoms

A NEW AGE BEGAN… It was told that the world began in the Ancient Age… A time when the world was still unformed and plunged into chaos. There was only a mystical pearl brighter than the sun, as old as the universe, exists in the middle of nowhere. The pearl contains all the fundamental philosophical ingredients of the universe: the source of good and evil. For billion years, seven mighty and everlasting dragons guard the pearl. They came together to protect the pearl. Another billions of years passed, and the inner struggle of good and bad in the pearl caused it to be broken. Seven dragons were sacrificed, they used their own bodies to bend around the pearl to mend the broken cracks. The world was formed from the bodies of dragons. The dust of dragons sowed seeds for life across all 7 lands, humanity was born and kingdoms were built. LEGEND OF THE 7 KINGDOMS - UP COMING SOON

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Legend Of The 7 Kingdoms

Legend Of The 7 Kingdoms

MMO RPG NFT GAME Be rich, be free, be your own champion and be the mightiest ruler of the 7 kingdoms