Building Relationships with Students from Diverse Backgrounds

Shah Diwan
3 min readJun 10, 2024


Photo by Headway on Unsplash

A school culture where people embrace diversity in the classroom can positively impact the school community. When this happens, a school community creates a safe, supportive, and purposeful environment for students and staff which, in turn, allows students to grow — socially and academically.

In a highly fragmented society, the ability to connect with coworkers, neighbors, and peers with diverse abilities and backgrounds is invaluable. Diversity improves critical thinking skills, builds empathy, and encourages students to think differently.

If you have students with diverse backgrounds in your classroom and want to support diversity by building relationships with them, this post is for you.

1. Show Genuine Interest

Learn about each student’s culture and background. Ask questions and listen actively. Show that you value their experiences. This can be done through casual conversations or classroom discussions. When students see that you care about their lives outside of school, they feel respected and understood. This builds trust and makes them more comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

2. Create Inclusive Classrooms

Ensure your classroom is a welcoming space for all. Decorate with diverse posters and materials. Use teaching resources that reflect various cultures and perspectives. This signals to students that everyone is valued. Encourage group work and activities where students from different backgrounds can collaborate. This promotes understanding and appreciation of diversity.

3. Celebrate Cultural Differences

Acknowledge and celebrate cultural holidays and traditions. Allow students to share their customs and stories. This can be done through presentations, food days, or cultural fairs. Such activities enrich the classroom environment and help students feel proud of their heritage. It also educates others about different cultures.

4. Use Culturally Relevant Teaching Methods

Incorporate examples and references from various cultures in your lessons. Relate new information to students’ experiences and backgrounds. This makes learning more engaging and meaningful. It also shows students that their culture is an important part of their education. When students see themselves reflected in the curriculum, they are more likely to stay engaged and succeed.

5. Foster Open Communication

Encourage students to express their thoughts and feelings. Create a safe space where they can share without fear of judgment. Use active listening and validate their experiences. This helps build a supportive classroom environment. When students feel heard, they are more likely to participate and form strong relationships with you and their peers.

6. Provide Equal Opportunities

Ensure all students have access to the same resources and opportunities. Be mindful of any potential biases or barriers that may exist. Offer extra help or resources to those who need it. This promotes fairness and helps all students succeed. When students see that you are committed to their success, they feel valued and respected.

7. Engage with Families

Build relationships with students’ families. Communicate regularly through meetings, emails, or phone calls. Show interest in their child’s progress and well-being. Involve families in school events and activities. This creates a strong support network for students. When families feel included and valued, they are more likely to support their child’s education.

Significance of Diversity in the Classroom

  • According to a case study from The Century Foundation, students who attended a magnet school in Hartford, Connecticut that was required to meet racial integration standards through a lottery system outperformed students at suburban schools that had a higher percentage of affluent, white students on standardized test scores.
  • Diversity in the classroom helps students develop social awareness which helps them appreciate different perspectives and draw stronger conclusions. Challenging students to consider different perspectives can also teach them how to interact with their peers on a social level, and equip them with skills they’ll use for the rest of their life.

Building relationships with students from varying backgrounds is one of the finest ways to promote diversity. Wait no more and take the next step!

Take Your Next Step

As an international teacher, building relationships with students from diverse backgrounds is an essential part of your role. This journey is ongoing and with professional support, things can become much easier.

Islamic Networks Group can help you build relationships with your students from diverse backgrounds through diversity training for teachers. With ING’s DEI training and learning resources, educators can grow their knowledge of cultural diversity and apply it to their classrooms. Contact us to get more information.



Shah Diwan

Shah Diwan shares insightful perspectives on inclusivity and equity, advocating for equal rights and speaking out against racism and bigotry.