The Rolling Stones donate to Community Links

Community Links
1 min readApr 23, 2018


Proceeds from VIP Meet and Greet tickets for The Rolling Stones upcoming No Filter tour will go to Community Links.

Community Links is immensely grateful to the Rolling Stones and everyone involved with the No Filter Tour. We’re proud and excited to partner with the biggest rock band in the world.

Our work is improving lives today, locally and nationally; whether it is families struggling to make ends meet, helping young people thrive through after-school and homework clubs, or other young people to secure a first job or, better still, a lasting career. This wonderful support will also help to maintain Community Links’ main Community Hub in Canning Town, with its rich history and contemporary mission for social change. With this support, we can continue to work towards our vision of Ready for Everything Communities in Newham, and nationwide.

Above all, this puts into exciting action our top value: To never do things for people but to guide and support, to train and enable. To simply inspire.



Community Links

Innovative east London charity running back-to-work schemes, advice, youth clubs, children’s activities; and sharing the learning to influence national policy.