How I got HOOKed on Composing

R. Christopher Teichler
3 min readOct 17, 2018

(*re-posted and edited from 2012, from my previous blog*)

Back in 2012, La-la Land Records released an expanded edition of John Williams’ score for the Spielberg film, HOOK. Originally released in 1991 to mixed reviews, the films plot revolves around the question “what if Peter Pan grew up?” The news of the soundtrack’s re-release cranked up my nostalgia. Hook and I have a very important history together.

I was 14 when the film was released. I loved it. More specifically, I loved the music; the score drew me in to the story just like all of Williams’ scores seemed to, but to an even greater extent. I saved up a month’s allowance and bought the soundtrack (on cassette tape, of course!). My parents later bought the movie on VHS, and I was stoked to watch it again. But something was different….

Seeing the film again, I did not enjoy the movie nearly as much. It seemed much weaker than I remembered in almost every way. Except the music. I realized that listening to the score had created a version of the film in my mind that was far greater than the actual film itself. This didn’t happen to me when I watched Star Wars or Indiana Jones or Superman! But it did with Hook. As much as a 14 year old boy can be philosophical, I put a lot of thought into why my reaction was different. And I eventually got it. This was the moment that changed my life forever: The moment I first truly realized the power of music.

I had been taking piano lessons for most of my life; 9 years by the time I was 14. I played in band for 4 years. It was all fun. Music came very naturally to me. But to be honest, I mostly did it all because my parents wanted me to. I was planning on becoming a lawyer, or private investigator, or detective on the police force! However, my moment of a̶p̶o̶s̶t̶r̶o̶p̶h̶e̶ epiphany with the soundtrack to HOOK changed these plans permanently.

I decided that I wanted to try and write some music. I knew that I would have a chance to conduct my high school band at the end of my senior year, so that became my goal: write a piece that I could conduct at my last high school band concert!

Horizon Overture. I loved writing it; absolutely loved every moment of writing that piece for concert band. I was hooked. I knew I wanted to do this the rest of my life. So long, dreams of solving crimes and locking up criminals. I was a composer.

Through the years of studying music, my tastes and my ambitions have changed. I’ve had stronger artistic influences impact my own writing and the unique musical voice that I am trying to create. But it all started with Hook. That was the beginning of the journey. That soundtrack will always hold a special place in my mind and heart.

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