How to Choose an SEO agency: a 2024 Guide

Comrade Digital Marketing Agency
8 min readJun 18, 2024


Are you looking for an SEO agency to help grow your business? Choosing the right SEO agency can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right information and guidance, you can find an agency that meets your needs and helps you reach your goals.

When selecting between numerous SEO companies, it’s important to know what to look for. First, make sure they set realistic expectations and have a proven track record of success. It’s also important to evaluate their internal resources and consider your budget before making a decision.

Additionally, do research on the company and visit them in person if possible. Make sure they use ethical techniques and are transparent about their services. Finally, ask past or current clients about their experience with the company.

By following these tips, you can find an SEO agency that will help you reach your goals and grow your business. With the right partner by your side, you’ll be well on your way to success!

Do I Need an SEO Agency?

Regardless of the type of business that you run, ignoring your online presence is a fast lane to failure. Developing a sound SEO strategy can help reach your target consumers and show up in relevant places on the internet to catch their attention.

digital marketing agency
Comrade’s homepage

An SEO campaign isn’t going to deliver results for your business overnight. It takes time and patience to develop positive SEO results that accompany other marketing efforts such as PPC campaigns, email blasts, social media posts, and brand advocates.

While you are focusing on the intricacies of running your online business yourself, the right SEO company can take on the task of executing the right strategies to help boost your rankings.

How to Choose the Right SEO Company to Help Your Business Grow

1. They are a reputable agency with experience

Believe it or not, the practice of SEO has been around for decades. Find a company that has been in business for a good amount of time and has worked with other similar companies.

You can also consider companies that have industry-specific experience that proves they know how to generate more business in the same field. This knowledge is invaluable in developing a sound strategy for your company and business leaders as well.

2. They can support their claims with case studies

Case studies act as evidence as to why you should choose a particular SEO company. They’re an excellent way for SEO companies to show off their incredible results and make you want to do business with them.

3. They have authentic reviews

seo agency testimonials
Reviews are important when choosing a digital marketing agency as they provide insights into reputation, credibility, and client experiences, aiding in making an informed decision

Just as you look at testimonials for your next doctor or dentist, you should look at testimonials for your next SEO agency. See what other people have to say about their experience with working with them.

4. They have a clear SEO strategy

You should have a clear understanding of exactly what your money is getting you from the beginning of your relationship with your SEO company. There should always be transparency surrounding deliverables, timelines, and overall expectations.

Ask for a clear strategy outline to provide you with a short-term and long-term plan. If you have any questions about why or when something was done, ask for an explanation. Ultimately, trust is a huge factor that should drive your decision about which agency is best.

5. You can afford them

Not every one business owner has thousands to shell out on SEO strategies every month, and that is okay. The main point to consider when choosing an SEO consulting agency is to understand where every dollar is going.

Even small budgets can help improve your rankings, so choose a company that will be mindful of how to maximize your return on investment.

6. They are transparent

Your SEO agency should communicate early and often about how their efforts are making an impact on your business. Expect to hear from a quality SEO company often throughout the month to keep you updated on any progress.

If there is hesitancy in your results or the company’s approach, this is a red flag that you shouldn’t ignore.

What Do You Need to Know before Hiring an SEO Company

Before you go out and seek an SEO agency to help your business, you first need to understand the important aspects of your business. This will help determine what you should look for in an SEO agency and can help you better understand how SEO can fit into your marketing efforts.

Understand Your Business Goals

All businesses have goals such as “generate more revenue” or “grow our social media profiles,” but successful SEO campaigns focus on more measurable tactics referred to as key SEO performance indicators, or KPIs.

There are many trackable KPIs that you can integrate into your overall SEO strategy such as boosting organic traffic, improving your page speed, increasing your number of featured snippets, keyword rankings and so many more.

Defining your specific goals media strategy from the jump can help provide structure to your approach and expect realistic results over time.

key performance indicators
The right SEO agency brings necessary results through expertise, effective strategies, keyword research, optimization, backlink building, and continuous monitoring

Calculate Your Budget

It is estimated that in 2020, U.S. businesses are spending as much as $80 billion on SEO services. Seeing as 75 percent of internet users won’t take the time to scroll to the second page of Google, investing in SEO is a smart business move.

SEO budgets range depending on the scope and deliverables. Examples of an SEO budget may range anywhere from $500 per month all the way up to $10,000+ per month. Finding an SEO company that will maximize your return on investment through smart deliverables will make your dollar go further.

calculate seo budget
The right SEO agency allocates budget properly through research, goal setting, prioritization, analysis, and adjustment for maximum impact

Common Myths Surrounding SEO Agencies

Best SEO Companies Promise Fast Results

If an SEO agency is promising you fast, guaranteed results, strongly consider choosing another search engine optimization company. Search engine optimization takes time to see results, and they are never guaranteed. Depending on your efforts, it may take months to begin to see real movement in your rankings.

In fact, it typically takes 4–6 results to begin building momentum and reaping the rewards of your investment. Be patient and choose an agency that sees the big picture, not the short-term results.

Best SEO Agency has an Excess Number of Certifications

Some certifications such as a Google Premier Partner or certifications through Moz can help provide credibility that you are making a sound choice. If a potential SEO company is flaunting obscure accolades and certifications when trying to prove their worth, it is often smoke and mirrors.

Instead of certifications, ask your potential SEO agency to provide you with case studies of similar businesses to exemplify how they can provide similar results for your business.

You have no risks when working with the best SEO company

SEO is not like a math problem, even if you do all of the right things to improve your rankings, nothing is guaranteed. There’s no secret sauce or special insider relationship with the search engines or Google to help secure a first-page ranking for your site.

Google’s algorithm is constantly evolving and pushing forward in new ways; instead of guaranteeing google search results alone, your SEO firm should guarantee their commitment to staying on top of SEO best practices.

This is a much more sustainable approach to lasting SEO success.

Can I Run SEO on My Own?

You may feel tempted to try to fully understand SEO and run this part of your business on your own. In reality, doing so will be time-consuming and require ongoing maintenance in order to yield significant results.

Consider the following reasons why running your own SEO marketing efforts may cause more harm than good.

It Takes Time to Learn

You know what they say — time is money. Although a cliché, this saying is especially relevant when it comes to running your company’s SEO on your own. Because SEO consists of so many moving parts and tactics, trying to fully understand exactly when and how to execute successful ideas can take away important time from you and your employees.

For example, some common parts of SEO include content creation, keyword tracking, website development, on-page optimizations, off-page optimizations google analytics, google search console, social media posts, backlinks, and so many more. Having a firm grasp on all of these moving parts can be overwhelming and time-consuming for your company.

SEO agencies, on the other hand, are already extremely knowledgeable about SEO and what it takes to see improvements in organic search and results. All of the resources are at their fingertips and after getting to know your business and your goals, they can begin to work toward agreed-upon KPIs.

seo services

Your Will Not Be High-Quality

Sure, you can make a conscious effort to improve your company’s SEO on your own. However, the quality of the work admittedly won’t be as high as if you hired an outside team to do it.

Slow, even negative SEO results won’t only impact your business in the short-term, but in the long-term, it can put you years behind your competitors and significantly delay positive results.

SEO agencies are composed of team members whose sole job it is to stay updated on best practices, analyzing important pieces of data to further drive smart SEO tactics. Hiring a full SEO team to take on this task requires trust, but it can pay off tenfold in the big picture.

You’ll Have to Hire the Right Employees

If you want to build a strong in-house SEO team, you’ll need to consider the sheer cost of doing so. Hiring only one SEO employee puts a lot of pressure on him or her to produce the results that you want and will spread them too thin.

Hiring an SEO team is a better approach, however, it quickly gets expensive. Three to five extra salaries on your payroll is more expensive than simply outsourcing the responsibilities to a skilled team.


Finding the right SEO company to check all of your boxes can be tedious and time-consuming. If you’ve been searching for the right company with little success, you’re not alone. So many of our clients have been there, too. Let’s face it, just like finding your perfect match, some people kiss a lot of frogs before finding, err, their prince.

Comrade’s team gets it. We’re business owners, strategists, SEO geeks and more. And best of all, we will provide you with an honest assessment of your website and provide sound recommendations to begin improving your results. For a no-obligation consultation, get in touch with our SEO gurus today. This may be the (second) biggest decision of your life.



Comrade Digital Marketing Agency

We are a Digital Marketing & Web Design agency. We strategically blend creative design, cutting-edge technology & result-driven marketing that promotes brands.