Wellness, the Path to Heaven 09

4 min readJun 23, 2024


Network Marketing: A Membership System Operating on the Principle of Mutual Prosperity, Leading to Heaven

Have you ever wondered how we can live healthily up to 120 years old while creating a better world at the same time? That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today. In the previous articles of this series, we have discussed the limitations of modern medicine, the principles of homeopathy, the importance of improving homeostasis, and the true meaning of health, presenting a new paradigm of health and wellbeing that we should pursue.

In this context, let’s look at a special way of doing business that can help us achieve this goal — network marketing. This business method started around 1925 when some smart people at Harvard Business School were studying how people buy things. Over time, this idea grew into something big and became legal in the United States in 1979.

Now, you might have heard some bad things about network marketing. That’s because some people used it in the wrong way, creating what we call pyramid schemes. But real network marketing is different. It’s not just about making money quickly. It’s about selling good products and helping others.

One company that does network marketing in a special way is Unicity. They have a unique system that they even got a patent for! This means it’s so special that no one else can copy it.

Unicity sells products called homeopathic products. These are special health products that help people live long and healthy lives. But Unicity doesn’t just sell products. They create a community of people who help each other. This is what we call a membership system.

Here’s how it works: When you join Unicity, you not only get to use their great products, but you also get to share them with others. When you do this, you help others become healthier, and you can earn money too. It’s like everyone wins!

The key to this system is ‘intellectual distribution’. This means sharing valuable information about health and wellbeing that not many people know about yet. By educating others about the benefits of homeopathy and a healthy lifestyle, Unicity members can make a real difference in people’s lives while building a successful business. That’s why Unicity’s motto is ‘Make Life Better’.

But there’s something even more amazing about this system. It’s not just about making money or being healthy. It’s about creating a world where everyone helps each other. In a way, it’s like creating a little bit of heaven right here on Earth.

Remember how we talked about living to 120 years old? Well, with Unicity’s products and this special way of doing business, we can aim for that. We can be healthy, peaceful, and even wealthy, all while helping others.

Mr. Bang, a wise teacher, says that if we live this way, not only can we have a great life here, but we can also go to heaven after we die. He believes that heaven is a place for people who have learned to have good hearts and help others.

Mr. Bang also connects the meaning of Unicity’s business with the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish theologian from the 18th century. According to Swedenborg, heaven is not a place where you go alone simply by living a good life. Rather, it’s a place where people who know the truth and live according to it go together.

What’s important here is living a life dedicated to helping others live better and reach heaven, not just for your own heavenly journey. Swedenborg teaches that this, in the end, is what leads you to heaven as well.

Mr. Bang believes that Unicity’s business provides an opportunity to learn and practice this way of life. Sharing health products, caring for people’s health and happiness, and promoting each other’s growth and development can all be part of the journey of ‘going to heaven together’.

From this perspective, Unicity’s business can be a tool that goes beyond material success to help our souls grow and lead us to true spiritual happiness. It’s not about doing well alone, but about creating a community where we grow together and become happy together — a process that itself embodies the values of heaven.

So, Unicity’s network marketing isn’t just a business. It’s a way to make ourselves and the world better. It helps us be healthy through their products, peaceful through helping others, and wealthy through their reward system.

In our next talk, we’ll look more at how this system can change the world and make it a better place for everyone. Remember, every small act of kindness and help we give can make a big difference!




When you deeply understand the revolutionary value of homeopathy and network marketing, you realize the spiritual secret to living a truly healthy.