MonetaryUnit Attack and Recovery

2 min readMay 11, 2018


Dear MonetaryUnit community,

We are well on our way to fully recovering from last week’s attack on MUE.

There are two critical points to address. The security of the funds, and of equal importance, the security of the database of user accounts on MyMue. Both are safe and were in full control of the MUE team during the entire attack.

Masternodes are now all online and you will start to see payouts in your MyMue account shortly.

Databases have been audited and as you can see MyMue is back online. No passwords were compromised from MyMue but we would like to remind you that it is always a good idea to activate 2FA and not re-use passwords between platforms for ultimate security.

@PJCLTD’s security measures were put to the absolute test and were successful in preventing any loss of coins. The MUE collateral used for the MyMue operated masternodes were moved purely out of precaution, and as a result the 34 masternodes were temporarily disabled.

The MUE team will be compensating for the downtime using project funds at a rate of 5.19 MUE per day per master node share per the statistics site. This amounts to over 34,000 MUE being distributed to the 1,800 shares at approximately 19 MUE per share. This is only the downtime compensation. Masternodes have been up and running already for a bit so you’ll see additional MUE when it is finally deposited into your account.

The total downtime of the MUE masternodes was extended as a result of increased security measures being implemented in the control and recovery of funds in the event of a future attack. The truth is you can never be fully prepared for events like these and the team felt that this was an opportunity to further increase security for the network.

We are fortunate to have strong security and networking expertise on the MUE team as this event might have been crippling for other projects. We are humbled to be able to look back to experiences like this as learning opportunities, and are coming out of this as an even stronger and more secure project than before. There are some exciting things on the horizon for the MonetaryUnit project and while we’ve experienced a temporary setback in progress on the new MUE Core wallet and proposal/governance system it is a blessing that this happened before and not during the implementation of these new features we have in store.

Infinite thanks to the sleepless nights that @PJCLTD and @BBobb have put into the recovery efforts, the MUE team for being active and ultimately the MUE community for your faith and support. Not going to lie… the last few days were nothing shy of intense. But the outcome reinforces why I and the rest of the MUE team are here working towards being a first tier cryptocurrency.

