Concordium’s Organization Profile Goes Live on Link3

2 min readJul 14, 2023


As the landscape of digital networking undergoes a seismic shift, Concordium has made its way onto Link3. As a socially connected platform rooted in the principles of Web3, Link3’s distinct characteristic lies in its emphasis on verifiable identities, thus weaving an intricate fabric of trust for the Web3 realm. By collating both on-chain and off-chain data, Link3 presents verifiable, context-rich information. The profile page on Link3 epitomizes a comprehensive identity, fostering trustful networking and fostering meaningful interactions among its users and organizations.

Link3 — Ushering in a New Era of Benefits for Users

Link3 brings a multitude of benefits to its users. Its platform simplifies networking by allowing users to share their profile as if it were a curated business card. This functionality is designed to quickly showcase who a user is, and why a connection with them would be valuable. This concept also carries over to applications; users can apply their Link3 profile to submit applications, eliminating redundant verification processes. Moreover, the platform bolsters the confidence in connections by allowing users to invite others based on verified and valuable traits, background, and capabilities. It also empowers users to delegate votes within their trusted communities, thereby fostering meaningful interactions.

Link3 is proactively paving the way to resolve the prevailing issues in the digital space. It ensures user safety by protecting them from scams and fraudulent links, which are rampant on platforms such as Twitter and Discord. Besides, the platform also serves as a unified location for projects to showcase their content. This aspect empowers community members with more content and context, all under one roof.

Get Involved with Concordium on Link3

Concordium’s organization profile:

Getting started with Link3 is a straightforward process. First, you’ll need to create your personal profile. Once your profile is set up, you’ll be able to navigate this Web3-based social platform.

Stay connected with the latest from us at Concordium by following our profile on Link3 at By doing so, you’ll be among the first to hear about the exciting events that we launch on the platform. Explore the power of Web3 networking with us at Concordium on Link3 and embark on a journey towards a more trustworthy and interactive digital experience. Don’t miss out — follow us, Concordium, on Link3 today!




Concordium with its Zero-knowledge ID enables the creation of regulation-ready dApps balancing decentralization, security, scalability, and regulation.