Introducing The Agora Impact Marketplace

The infrastructure for scaling safe, transparent carbon markets

3 min readJun 14, 2023

In a dynamic marketplace, there is a valuable commodity that holds the power to combat climate change. It’s the mesmerizing realm of carbon markets, also known as emissions trading systems, which have become crucial in our fight against the environmental crisis.

Carbon credits are at the core of these markets, creating financial incentives for companies and nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. By assigning a tangible value to carbon, these markets encourage innovation, sustainable practices, and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Climate change has been a popular topic over the last decade, however, the urgency to address climate change becomes evident as we find ourselves three years into the UN’s Decade of Action. The global temperature has already surpassed the 1.1°C mark above pre-industrial levels, signaling a serious problem. If we continue on our current path, emissions are projected to increase by 7% instead of the necessary 43% reduction.

The implications are dire, with increasing carbon emissions leading to heatwaves, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, and droughts, causing devastation to communities and ecosystems.

To combat this crisis, approximately 140 countries, accounting for 91% of global emissions, have proposed or established net-zero targets for mid-century. This commitment puts significant pressure on corporations to adopt solutions that accelerate their transition to greener practices and reduce emissions.

However, many businesses struggle to eliminate their emissions completely or at the desired pace. In such cases, carbon credits emerge as a key solution, encouraging companies to adopt cleaner technologies, invest in renewable energy projects, and support sustainable practices.

The carbon market presents a significant opportunity in the fight against climate change, with carbon credits serving as crucial instruments to incentivize organizations to address their emissions. These credits operate on the principle of cap-and-trade or emission trading, where limits are set on greenhouse gas emissions and permits or allowances are bought, sold, or traded among participants.

Experts predict that the carbon market could reach a value of $50 billion, with demand expected to grow 15-fold by 2030.

However, the carbon market also faces challenges such as a lack of transparency, high costs, greenwashing, limited data availability, double counting of credits, and limited pricing data.

To effectively address climate change and seize the carbon market opportunity, scaling up the market is crucial. This involves expanding the number of participants, increasing the volume of traded carbon credits and improving transparency and efficiency. Scaling up the market would attract more investments and facilitate larger emissions reduction.

In terms of infrastructure, scaling the carbon market requires robust systems for tracking and verifying emissions reductions. It also requires a transparent and standardized registry system to record and trade carbon credits. Concordium, a public and permissionless blockchain, offers the necessary infrastructure to power and sustain the carbon markets. With its identity built into the core protocol layer, Concordium ensures regulatory readiness and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities.

Concordium’s public and permissionless nature fosters inclusivity, and trust, and reduces costs associated with intermediaries. Its secure and transparent blockchain technology, along with its identity framework, instils confidence and trust in the carbon market ecosystem.

Agora Impact Marketplace, powered by Concordium, is an innovative solution that utilizes blockchain technology to reshape the carbon market ecosystem. It introduces metadata upload to enhance transparency and accessibility, and it enables the minting of NFTs for carbon credits, facilitating seamless trading.

The Agora Impact Marketplace also provides functionalities for retiring, retracting, and redeeming NFTs, ensuring integrity and accountability.

With the Agora Impact Marketplace, the carbon markets can undergo a significant transformation, addressing industry challenges and unlocking new avenues for transparency, efficiency, and impact.

Concordium’s blockchain infrastructure, combined with the Agora Impact Marketplace, offers the scalability, security, and necessary tools to enhance transparency, traceability, and efficiency in carbon credit trading. With these advancements, we can accelerate our journey towards a sustainable and greener future.

If your company is interested in leveraging our technology to participate in the carbon markets, contact Maria today for further information and guidance. Together, we can make a significant impact in the fight for a sustainable green future.




Concordium with its Zero-knowledge ID enables the creation of regulation-ready dApps balancing decentralization, security, scalability, and regulation.