The Fake News have all the ingredients for a fiction movie

Rodrigo Conde
3 min readJun 15, 2019


The Fake News or False News have all the ingredients for a fiction movie. They are related to hackers, leaks, governments, corruption, fraud, power, influence, vulnerability, censorship, personal interests, decontextualization of information and other events that occur every day in our environment. In the book “Fake News” by Esteban Illades, he mentions why false news is a latent danger to our society and how it has always existed.

For example, when Napoleon wanted to expand his empire, he had the idea of ​​conquering other places, including Egypt and he made all the French people believe that he had conquered them through a long battle against monsters, camels, and so on. He told his historians and artists to tell stories about that battle and to represent them in pictures, when in fact Napoleon never traveled to Egypt. And it is true what they say about lies:

“A lie once told remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes true”

This famous phrase, to this day is attributed to Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister of Nazi Germany, is a phrase that never really said, but that remains in the memory and popular memory associated with it.

In our days, false news has evolved with an undetermined reach through the internet and social networks. There are people who have millionaire lawsuits for creating false content and expanding it throughout the network to talk well about some companies to raise their shares in the stock market and sell them for millionaire contracts. There are also hackers that filter real information but that include false information, and that having the best researchers in the world would be very difficult to verify. So, the question we must answer is:

What is the objective of the Fake news?

  • Lies are used to generate a distraction
  • Focus on something prior
  • Generate misinformation; that is, confuse people
  • Profit with disinformation especially in politics and media

The consumption of information

The great challenge that we all have today is to professionalize the consumption of information. We must change the behavior of active readers online, refusing to read and share news from sites with low reputation or paying for editorial quality that is not based solely on advertising.

Most of the time we interpret the information selectively, our attention and perception are restricted to our experiences. For this reason, we often interpret the news in a distorted way. The concept of “reasoned reasoning” has to do with trust in human beings. By receiving information from a person we trust, and if it is false, our brain enters into a dispute through a false memory mechanism, refusing to accept anything that contradicts the people it trusts.

To this, we must add the fact that often we do not have the source of these shared news, which makes it more difficult to verify its veracity, by anonymity on the Internet, WhatsApp, Facebook or other social network. Therefore, we need to think critically about what we are reading without letting ourselves be influenced so easily.

A war without end

Nowadays, the proliferation of false news in social networks and how we share information do a huge damage to the society that we all must fight. It is a chapter that is not yet closed but in some countries are taking some regulatory measures with sanctions.

For example, in Brazil a legislator proposed two to eight months in prison to those who share false news and, in Germany, on the other hand, would fine the networks and not the people for allowing the dissemination of false content, with fines of up to 50 million euros.

These are actions can help but they are not necessarily the right ones. The responsibility is not only of the State but of all of us. The State can not prohibit freedom of expression, since everything could be classified as Fake News and infer about freedom of expression, something that already happens in other countries.

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Rodrigo Conde

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