Do you believe conferencing will instigate the next blockchain explosive development?

Conference Coin
3 min readSep 4, 2018



No system today, runs without the availability of information. The information required resides with several individuals. This therefore explains the necessities of any type of conference. From the commonly known news conferences to more strict meetings like political and educational conferences and the highly controversial religious and professional conferences, we have been able to identify the axle about which the wheel of development actually turns.


The unveiling of an idea or invention is only the beginning of a strategic development. As information is a key tool to the development of many endeavors, we at ConferenceCoin, have an utmost believe that bringing people together majorly for the purpose of brainstorming and sharing of ideas are the express ways to achieving greater technological advancement and informative decisions. Our endeavors therefore, have great application in shaping the future of the blockchain technology entirely!


Many other forms of conferences, apart from the aforementioned, also exist. Surprisingly, they seem to exhibit convergence of purpose- meeting, sharing ideas, brainstorming and passing down knowledge acquired by individuals through years of experience, observation, record keeping and learning. Conferences represent the platform through which informative ideas and functional theorems are brought to live. From a 2–6 man team conference call to more complicated synergistic gatherings like the consensus, there is always a proof that conferencing is an informative tool without which no system can record any slight development.


The importance of conferences is impossible to underestimate. It therefore requires the expertise of experienced professionals to set up and successfully conduct a conference. “The planning is everything”, many professionals will say! From time management to choosing the target audience and specific speakers, choice of location of conference, detailed publicity and strategic marketing all the way down to the order of event and content delivery and the various maneuverability involved let alone the possible improvisations, conferencing has proven to be an endeavor worthy of utmost professionalism and up-to-date technological advancement.

We therefore see a future in which activities of conferencing can be made “SMART” by introducing the Blockchain decentralization concept. We can see everything going digital! Planning will be easier, attendance will be effortless and passing of information will be done with utmost quality!

We believe that in the next explosive blockchain development, the impact that conferences would be said to have made will spread contagiously like wild-fire and it will be clear and certainly kown just how important it is to hold conferences and how this will help in modifying the future of many social endeavors.


Dare Shonubi, Sandra Waśkowska



Conference Coin

We aim to facilitate acces to Blockchain-related events by creating platform that associates conference participants from all around the world.