Social Media Branding: Complete guide for Start-Up

Confounding Solutions
7 min readOct 23, 2019


According to a study published by Pew Research Center, it has found that American users aging from 18–24 years result in 68% of active Facebook users. Even people aging above 65 includes 78% uses Instagram and 45% uses Twitter

Hello, one and all Start-up guys who are figuring out, how to go about. Many times, you have heard that social media has the power of 100 horses. Well, this is as true as the rising sun.

Nothing, in this digital world, take ever take place if social media branding would not have been there. Starting from developing a product or service to starting with a company. Everything needs the touch of branding more than word-of-mouth.

When it comes to social media, there is a mixed back of platforms containing both new and old channels that has many out-perform rates. But, you being the new-joiner of this big platform should not be burdened with the impact.

You cannot feel pressurize as nothing happens overnight. For making a strong audience base, you will be working continuously with the promotions and one fine day, you will also be getting traffic through this rigorous effort.

Through today’s blog, we will discuss the types of strategies you need to keep in mind while doing social media branding from the initial stage.

1. Frame out your identity first

For learning the ethics of social media branding, it is good to know how important your brand identity is. Well, brand identity is everything visual and is present in front of you. This may include the logo, theme color, designs.

It is basically the manner or the way any corporation, the business wants itself to get projected to its target market. Many large businesses and organizations focus deeply on corporate identity and corporate image.

They also have a separate communication department which works purely in lifting and working upon the business image. Contrary to this, small businesses also work stronger to increase their business image however they do not possess any separate depart for it.

2. Acknowledge your Audience

Knowing your target market is the most important part when it comes to working on your social media branding. Because branding cannot happen without your target market.

According to stats shared by MarketingSherpa, it is clear that online adults aging from 18–34 years are most likely to follow a brand through social media channels. So, now you got the catch that answers how active are today’s target market over social media.

Letting yourself presentable across social media channels is the bigger challenge. So, let yourself in and try to figure out things by keeping yourself in your target audience position. Try to find out the solution that your customers are searching for and how you can help them.

Social Media Users Age Breakdown
image credit: Lyfemarketing

3. Set your goals correctly

Nothing in this world takes place without having a plan. And after you have learned about getting through brand identity and your target market, it is important to chalk out the goals which you want to acquire.

Set your objectives clearly that also include your new target market ratio, amplify conversation rate, focusing upon their objectives and many more.

Not only this, while working for social media branding you need to focus upon your competitors and how they are analysis social media channels and groups for the business.

For a streamlined social media branding process, you can also include a social media calendar through which you can keep tap with the scheduled events and related posts. Also, remember to implement an 80:20 rule.

Here 80 percentage stands for content catering with educative, informative or entertaining motive. And, 20 percentage stands for promotions.

4. Make the clear choice of social media platform

According to data, 82% of users preferably choose Facebook over other social media channels. But, you should not go with the flow and do what others (your competitors) are doing.

You need to keep your business in the first place and then judge whether you cater to that type of target audience that that particular social media platform will provide you. Note there are some social media types which most businesses keep handy for their social media branding. This may include:

  • Social media network: Facebook, LinkedIn, and many others.
  • Video sharing site: YouTube
  • News and microblogging site: Reddit, Twitter
  • Comment forums and groups: Twitter
  • Bookmarking sites: Delicious

You just need to segment which social media channel you need to pitch through.

5. Try to build a relationship for engagements

Now, the main and tedious work start. You just need not pitch the social media channels and start posting stuff over the platform. For better social media branding output, you need to cater to innovative and interesting information that your target audience responds to.

It can many topics related to news or any bizarre thing or even your business product and service launch which you need to tell your customers. For instance, YouTube channels like Buzzeroff that caters to all types of stories, news information which every individual is searching for on different platforms.

Here, you will find all the original information which brings desire and enlightenment to know.

6. Create a social media calendar

As discussed in the previous point, you should follow 80:20 rule for keeping your social media branding streamlined and up-dated. As said by Tyler Buscemi in his post that ‘A well maintained social media content calendar keeps all the marketing efforts focused on the same goal.

In doing so, you can strategically implement a plan into action. It also provides a central space through which you can access all the details of your scheduling and optimize it (if needed). Such type of social media calendar is basically used for the festive season when there are different multiple occasions at a stretch.

7. Improvise the type of content you need to carry

Content is the gasoline for every digital marketing strategy. It is the most crucial yet vital thing for any business type (whether big/small). Remember, the type of content you start has the power to break or make your business.

You should judge whether the content you are sharing will bring potential traffic to your business or not. Through research, it is noted that by 2022 content through video marketing will witness a rise by sharp 82% in the social media domain.

It is just that you need to learn to optimize your content by keeping heed with the shift in the market trend.

8. Facilitate your engagement through visual treats

Visual elements are the best part to make your large portion of content most appealing and interesting.

With the crunch in time, nowadays people prefer to watch videos, GIFs, memes, images than reading the text. Not only it becomes interesting but it creates a soothing effect in one mind.

While creating different aspects of social media branding, it is important to create videos so that your posts and description could stand out and can attain a large number of viewership and audience remarks.

9. Create posts that offer value

I too believe that when you are running a business and you are just starting up with your venture, sharing posts and product information pre-occupies you and thus you think how fast you can spread your world through multiple social media channels.

But, this is wrong while pitching your content to all the social groups. For instance, if you are running a fashion-oriented business you will certainly not focus on sharing your content through LinkedIn.

Then platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even Whatsapp will make for more traffic to your business than any other formal platform. Remember, you need to create posts that offer value and this value should be received through the correct sort of traffic.

10. Optimize it according to new trends

Keep tap with the multiple sort of new trends which is going around the market. You need to keep a vigilant eye over the new things and should check for your business too.

You can also check up on your competitor’s work and then research accordingly. You can also optimize it according to the change and alteration you are thinking to provide to your target market.

When it comes to social media branding, there is nothing static and nobody can call anything as thumb-rule. As everything is changing with great speed, so it is your social media metric.

How BRILLIANTLY you can work more?

Social Media Branding is much more than what is listed here. And, it is expanding itself day-by-day. Social media platforms provide the best of its advantages through the weight of the platforms you choose.

Through the same, your target audience reaches also gets monitored and gets calculated. Here, you need to be formulated about the niche, potential customers, and your business competitors who house the same selection as yours. So, build a relationship with your customers through multiple visual-driven contents so that the maximum number of traffic could approach your business. Adding to this, you need to track the performance regularly.

Be connected with social media and stay active. Because there your target audience resides and thus social media branding should only be nurtured towards a great future for your business.

With the on setting the year of 2020, there you will find great changes which will be happening in your business and the concerned market. So, keep your eyes open and improve a new trend in your social media methods.

Stay Cool!



Confounding Solutions

Confounding Solutions is one of the top-rated digital marketing company in Lucknow. Site: