6 Common Misconfigurations in your AWS Environment

Confused Cyber Warrior
5 min readSep 9, 2024


Hey everyone, and welcome back!

Today, we’re diving into the wild world of AWS, and we’re talking about something that can really make or break your cloud security: misconfigurations. If you’re managing infrastructure on AWS (or even if you’re just getting started), there’s a good chance you’ve run into a few settings that feel off or risky. And trust me, even small misconfigurations can lead to some big problems.

Recently, I came across a fascinating threat research report from Unit 42. It detailed a massive extortion campaign that took advantage of exposed environment variables in cloud environments. Attackers scanned thousands of domains, grabbed sensitive .env files, and used that to wreak havoc in the cloud. Pretty wild, right? This kind of story just emphasizes why it’s so important to get your AWS setup right from the start.

So, let’s dig into six common AWS misconfigurations that people often overlook and, more importantly, how you can fix them — without pulling your hair out. I’ll keep it simple but deep enough so you feel like you’ve walked away knowing something new.

1. Overly Permissive IAM Policies

This one’s a classic. You want to get things up and running, so you end up granting a little too much access — maybe something like full AdministratorAccess. I get it, it’s tempting, but this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Why You Should Care:

If an attacker gets hold of those overly permissive IAM keys, they basically get the keys to your cloud kingdom. This was part of what went wrong in the Unit 42 extortion campaign — those attackers managed to escalate privileges and gain access they definitely shouldn’t have had.

Quick Fix:

  • Apply the least privilege principle. Don’t give more permissions than necessary.
  • Use the AWS IAM Access Analyzer to flag any risky policies.
  • Regularly review your IAM roles and policies. Keep them lean and mean!

2. Public S3 Buckets: Data Breach Central

If there’s one thing we’ve seen again and again, it’s misconfigured S3 buckets leading to data breaches. You’d think by now people would stop making their buckets public by accident — but it still happens. I mean, Capital One, Verizon, and many more fell victim to this.

Why You Should Care:

When your S3 buckets are open to the public, you’re just asking for trouble. All it takes is one slip, and boom — your sensitive data is out in the wild. And that’s not something you want to explain to your boss (or worse, your customers).

Quick Fix:

  • Always set your S3 buckets to private unless you absolutely need them public.
  • Enable S3 Block Public Access to prevent accidental exposures.
  • Check your bucket policies using AWS Trusted Advisor or Amazon Macie to avoid surprises.

3. Exposed Environment Variables: Hidden Danger

Here’s one that’s not as obvious, but equally dangerous — exposing your .env files. These files often hold API keys, database credentials, and even AWS access keys. If they’re exposed (say, on GitHub or via a misconfigured server), attackers can grab them and gain access to your AWS resources. This was exactly what happened in that recent Unit 42 extortion campaign I mentioned.

Why You Should Care:

Attackers actively scan the web for exposed environment variables. If they get in, they can cause serious damage, from exfiltrating data to launching full-blown ransomware attacks. This stuff gets scary real quick.

Quick Fix:

4. Unencrypted Data at Rest: Not Optional Anymore

Encryption isn’t just a “nice-to-have” anymore — it’s a must. Yet, plenty of people still forget to enable it when they set up their S3 buckets, EBS volumes, or RDS databases. AWS makes encryption easy, but it’s not enabled by default, so this is one you’ll need to watch out for.

Why You Should Care:

If your data isn’t encrypted and someone manages to get in, they can read it all. Encrypting it, on the other hand, means even if someone gets access, they can’t do much with it.

Quick Fix:

  • Turn on encryption by default for all your AWS storage — S3, EBS, and RDS.
  • Check your current resources and enable encryption if it’s not already on. Super easy fix in the AWS console!

5. Wide-Open Security Groups: Hello, Hacker

Security groups are like firewalls for your AWS resources. But if you set them too broadly, like allowing access on key ports, you’re basically opening the door wide for anyone on the internet to waltz in. This was a huge part of the Capital One breach, where a poorly configured security group let attackers into their EC2 instances, leading to a breach of customer data including Social Security Numbers and bank account information (ouch).

Why You Should Care:

Leaving your security groups open to the world is like inviting hackers in for coffee. Seriously, this is one of the easiest ways to get compromised.

Quick Fix:

  • Limit access in security groups by specifying the minimum IP ranges needed.
  • Regularly review your security groups and close off any unnecessary access.
  • Use AWS Config to alert you to risky security group configurations.

6. Insecure VPC Configurations: Isolation Matters

When you first set up AWS, the default VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) settings are okay for basic tasks, but they’re far from secure for production workloads. If you leave things like wide-open subnets or don’t isolate your resources properly, you’re making it easier for attackers to move around once they’re in.

Why You Should Care:

An attacker who gains access to one part of your infrastructure could pivot to other parts if your VPC isn’t locked down. You don’t want them hopping from one service to another.

Quick Fix:

  • Use private subnets for sensitive resources and avoid placing everything in public subnets.
  • Implement VPC Flow Logs to monitor network traffic.
  • Segment resources as much as possible to reduce the attack surface.

The Big Takeaway

AWS is powerful, but it’s also complex. Even a small misconfiguration can open the door to some serious security threats. From overly permissive IAM roles to wide-open security groups, it’s easy to make mistakes, but luckily, these are also pretty easy to fix once you know what to look for.

Here’s the bottom line: Stay on top of your settings, regularly audit your environment, and don’t get lazy with the basics. It’s the simple stuff that can save you from a big headache down the road.

Thanks for sticking around! I hope this helped shed some light on what not to do when it comes to AWS security. Remember, it’s all about staying vigilant and learning from others’ mistakes (so you don’t make them yourself).

Happy Learning! Happy configuring! and stay secure!

