Rosa M ScottSEVEN SUMMERS AFTER, or so it feels — 70/70This is where I stop. Going to bed now, alone. I’ve spent the last four nights in four different countries, eating from one evening to the…May 25May 25
Rosa M ScottWADI — 69/70Sometimes you are at work, simply focusing on what’s at hand, and then you meet a guy and talk. Talk more. Don’t stop. Start hiding it as…May 25May 25
Rosa M ScottDESERT — 68/70Travels, from Asia to California to the Middle East, then Asia again. And Amsterdam, as always. I’m in the middle of it, and enjoying the…May 25May 25
Rosa M Scott67/70Something is becoming something different, I can feel it, am tired of the energy the change uses, and don’t know the change at all. I got…May 25May 25
Rosa M ScottISLANDS — 66/70We wake up, Tom has to take a plane, I had too much whiskey last night, can’t seem to wake up to kiss him goodbye, and after he leaves…May 25May 25
Rosa M ScottSHORE — 65/70I love how unburdened it is with the Austrian. How empty of history, or future. How there’s no love lost. I mean the word. There has not…May 24May 24
Rosa M ScottISLAND — 64/70The motorboat that passes by the big white house on the Northern Island can be heard forever. It is so quiet up here, the sound carries on…May 17May 17
Rosa M ScottOFF. SOUTH AMERICA. — 63/70Taking Tom with me on a business trip, a first, and: Colombia. Trying times, I feel, a lot of pleasure, having see the Austrian once…May 17May 17
Rosa M ScottPARIS IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA (sAudrey Hepburn) — 62/70Three days in Marais with the Austrian. Sex, none unprotected except me swallowing him, his, once, for the first time, relaxed, heavy…May 14May 14
Rosa M ScottSOBER — 61/70I don’t really know why but nothing much is happening, in spite of lots of family things, a sweet lover, and an upcoming date with Otto…May 11May 11