Hedges in the Winter Garden: A Guide to Winter Maintenance

Conifer Kingdom
4 min readOct 14, 2023


Hedges in the Winter Garden

As winter blankets the garden in a snowy hush, evergreen hedges become the unsung heroes, providing structure, color, and a sense of life in the dormant landscape. Among the most popular choices for winter hedges are Green Giant Arborvitae, American Arborvitae, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Little Simon Arborvitae, and Virescens Western Red Cedar. In this blog, we’ll explore the beauty and resilience of these evergreen hedge varieties and provide valuable tips on maintaining them during the winter months.

1. Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja standishii x plicata ‘Green Giant’)

Known for their rapid growth, dense foliage, and pyramid-like shape, Green Giant Arborvitae is a reliable choice for winter hedges. Their bright green foliage retains its color throughout the winter, offering a refreshing contrast to the otherwise subdued winter garden. Maintenance in winter primarily involves preventing heavy snow buildup by gently shaking or brushing off accumulated snow.

2. American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis)

American Arborvitae is a classic choice for winter hedges due to its cold hardiness and versatility. These evergreens provide an elegant, columnar silhouette that looks stunning even under a blanket of snow. To maintain these hedges in winter, avoid heavy pruning as this can stimulate new growth, which may not have time to harden off before the arrival of severe winter weather.

3. Emerald Green Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’)

Emerald Green Arborvitae is cherished for its slender, compact shape and vibrant green foliage. In winter, the Emerald Green variety offers a splash of color and a shelter for wildlife. Ensure proper watering in late fall to prevent dehydration during winter dry spells. A gentle shake to remove heavy snow is usually sufficient for maintenance.

4. Little Simon Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Little Simon’)

Little Simon Arborvitae is a charming, dwarf variety that’s perfect for smaller gardens and containers. These tiny trees offer year-round interest with their rich green foliage and elegant conical form. Given their size, maintenance is straightforward — a light prune to shape the hedge can be done in late winter before new growth begins.

5. Virescens Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata ‘Virescens’)

Western Red Cedar, or Virescens, is a captivating choice for a winter hedge. With lush, deep green foliage and a natural resistance to pests and diseases, these hedges provide a stunning backdrop in the winter garden. Maintenance includes occasional thinning to ensure adequate airflow and reduce the risk of snow damage.

Winter Maintenance Tips

  • Watering: Make sure to water your hedge in late fall before the ground freezes. Evergreen hedges can lose moisture through their leaves during the winter, and adequate hydration helps them stay healthy.
  • Protection from Snow: Shake or brush off heavy snow from winter hedges’s branches to prevent breakage. Use a broom or a gentle hand to avoid damaging the foliage.
  • Pruning: Limit pruning during the winter to avoid encouraging new growth that might not have time to harden off before the frost.
  • Pest and Disease Check: Winter is a good time to inspect your hedges for signs of pests or diseases, which may become more apparent when the leaves have fallen.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of your hedge to help retain soil moisture and protect the roots from freezing temperatures.


Winter doesn’t have to mean a dull, lifeless garden. Evergreen hedges like Green Giant Arborvitae, American Arborvitae, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Little Simon Arborvitae, and Virescens Western Red Cedar bring life, color, and structure to your outdoor space, even when the world is blanketed in snow. Proper maintenance in the winter months ensures that these hedges not only survive but thrive, adding beauty and elegance to your winter garden. Embrace the tranquility of winter with these remarkable evergreen hedges.



Conifer Kingdom

Conifer Kingdom, a wholesale nursery offers the largest selection available with over 600 varieties. https://www.coniferkingdom.com/