AI Art 101: How to Use Text Prompts to Generate Beautiful and Original Artworks

Connor mcgovern @AllThingsTechy
9 min readJun 12, 2023


How AI Can Create Images and What It Means for the Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of art and design by creating images from text prompts. You can now use online tools and apps to generate stunning and original images based on any description you can think of. Whether you want to create artwork, illustrations, designs, or memes, AI can help you unleash your creativity and imagination.

But how does AI create images? And what are the implications and possibilities of this technology for the future? In this article, we will explore these questions and more. We will show you how AI image generators work, what are the best tools and apps to use, what are the benefits and challenges of AI art, and how you can learn more about this fascinating field.

How AI Image Generators Work

AI image generators are software applications that use deep learning models to create images from text prompts. A text prompt is a short text that describes what you want the AI to generate. For example, if you want the AI to create an image of a cat wearing a hat, you could write something like “a cat with a hat”.

The AI image generator then uses its knowledge and imagination to create an image that matches your prompt. It does this by using two main components: a neural network and a diffusion process.

A neural network is a complex mathematical function that mimics the structure and function of the human brain. It consists of many interconnected units called neurons that process information and learn from data. A neural network can be trained to perform various tasks, such as recognizing faces, translating languages, or generating images.

To train a neural network to generate images, it needs a lot of data. Specifically, it needs pairs of images and texts that describe them. For example, an image of a cat with a hat and the text “a cat with a hat”. By feeding millions or billions of such pairs to the neural network, it learns how to associate words with visual concepts and features.

Once the neural network is trained, it can interpret almost any text prompt and generate an image based on it. However, generating an image is not as simple as copying an existing one. The neural network has to create a new image that does not exist in reality, but that is realistic and coherent with the prompt.

This is where the diffusion process comes in. Diffusion is a technique that starts with a random field of noise (a bunch of pixels with random colors) and then edits it in a series of steps to match the neural network’s interpretation of the prompt. Each step reduces the noise and adds more details and structure to the image until it becomes clear and recognizable.

The diffusion process can also be controlled by parameters such as resolution, style, diversity, and quality. These parameters allow users to customize their AI-generated images according to their preferences and needs.

The Best AI Image Generators

There are many tools and apps available online that allow users to generate AI images from text prompts. Some of them are free, while others require a subscription or payment. Some of them are easy to use, while others require more technical skills or knowledge. Some of them produce realistic images, while others produce artistic or abstract ones.

To help you choose the best AI image generator for your purpose, we have ranked some of the most popular ones based on their features, performance, quality, and user reviews. Here are our top picks:

  • DALL·E 2: DALL·E 2 is one of the most advanced and powerful AI image generators available today1. It can create original, realistic images and art from any text prompt. It can also combine concepts, attributes, and styles that may not exist in reality, such as “a dragon made of flowers” or “a city in the clouds”. DALL·E 2 can also expand images beyond what’s in the original canvas, creating expansive new compositions. DALL·E 2 can also make realistic edits to existing images from a natural language caption. It can add and remove elements while taking shadows, reflections, and textures into account. DALL·E 2 is easy to use: users just need to enter their text prompt in a text box and click on “Generate”. They will see 32 images generated by the AI based on their prompt. They can also browse through the images and select the ones they like or that matches their vision. They can also click on “More options” to see more variations or refine their prompt. DALL·E 2 is free to use for personal or non-commercial purposes.
  • Midjourney: Midjourney is another excellent AI image generator that produces high-quality and realistic images from text prompts2. It uses a state-of-the-art text-to-image model called Stable Diffusion3 that can generate images with fine details and textures. Midjourney can also generate images in different artistic styles, such as impressionist, abstract, or cartoon. Midjourney is also easy to use: users just need to enter their text prompt in a text box and select the art style they want. They will see an image generated by the AI based on their prompt and style. They can also download or share their image with others. Midjourney is free to use for personal or non-commercial purposes, but it has a limit of 10 images per day.
  • DreamStudio: DreamStudio is a more advanced and customizable AI image generator that allows users to control various aspects of their AI-generated images4. It also uses the Stable Diffusion model to create images from text prompts, but it gives users more options and parameters to tweak. Users can adjust the resolution, diversity, quality, and randomness of their images. They can also use filters, effects, and layers to enhance their images. DreamStudio is also more interactive: users can see the diffusion process in action and stop it at any point they like. They can also edit their text prompt and see the image change accordingly. DreamStudio is not free to use: it requires a subscription or payment to access its features.

The Benefits and Challenges of AI Art

AI art is not only a technological phenomenon, but also a cultural and social one. It has many benefits and challenges for both artists and audiences, as well as for the art world and society at large.

Some of the benefits of AI art are:

  • It can expand the possibilities and horizons of human creativity by generating new and unexpected ideas, forms, and styles.
  • It can democratize the access and production of art by making it easier and cheaper for anyone to create and enjoy art.
  • It can foster collaboration and dialogue between humans and machines by allowing them to learn from each other and co-create.

Some of the challenges of AI art are:

  • It can raise ethical and social issues such as ownership, authorship, authenticity, originality, and quality of art.
  • It can pose technical and practical challenges such as data availability, quality, diversity, bias, security, and privacy.
  • It can challenge the definition and value of art and the role and identity of artists and audiences.

AI art is not a monolithic or homogeneous category. It encompasses a variety of genres, styles, techniques, and purposes. Some AI art is purely aesthetic, while some are political or educational. Some AI art is collaborative, while some are competitive. Some AI art is realistic, while some are abstract. Some AI art is human-centric, while some are machine-centric.

Therefore, AI art cannot be judged or evaluated by a single or universal criterion. It requires a nuanced and contextual understanding of its goals, methods, and impacts. It also requires a critical and ethical awareness of its potential benefits and risks. AI art is not a threat or a replacement for human art, but rather a complement and an extension of it.

How to Learn More About AI Art

If you are interested in learning more about AI art, there are many resources that you can explore. You can find online courses, books, articles, podcasts, videos, galleries, and communities that cover various aspects of AI art, such as its history, theory, practice, and impact.

Here are some examples of resources that you can check out:

  • AI Art Course: An online course that teaches you the fundamentals and techniques of generative art and computational creativity using AI.
  • The Artist in the Machine: A book that explores the history and future of AI art, as well as the philosophical and ethical questions it raises.
  • How to write effective AI art prompts: An article that gives you tips and tricks on how to craft better prompts for AI image generators.
  • AI Art Weekly: A newsletter that curates the latest news, trends, and projects in AI art.
  • AI Art Podcast: A podcast that interviews artists, researchers, and experts in AI art.
  • AI Art Gallery: A website that showcases a curated collection of AI art from various artists and projects.
  • AI Art Discord: A community of AI art enthusiasts who share their works, feedback, and ideas.

These are just some of the many resources that you can find online. You can also search for more on Google, YouTube, Reddit, or other platforms. The field of AI art is constantly evolving and expanding, so there is always something new and exciting to learn and discover.


AI art is a fascinating and emerging field that combines human creativity and machine learning to produce stunning and original works of art. By using text prompts, you can communicate your vision and intention to the AI and create your own AI art. You can also learn more about AI art by exploring various resources and examples.

AI art is not a threat or a replacement for human art, but rather a complement and an extension of it. It offers many benefits and challenges for both artists and audiences, as well as for the art world and society at large. It requires a nuanced and contextual understanding of its goals, methods, and impacts. It also requires a critical and ethical awareness of its potential benefits and risks.

AI art is not a monolithic or homogeneous category. It encompasses a variety of genres, styles, techniques, and purposes. Some AI art is purely aesthetic, while some are political or educational. Some AI art is collaborative, while some are competitive. Some AI art is realistic, while some are abstract. Some AI art is human-centric, while some are machine-centric.

Therefore, AI art cannot be judged or evaluated by a single or universal criterion. It requires a personal and subjective appreciation of its beauty, meaning, and value. AI art is not a final or definitive product, but rather a process and an experiment. AI art is not a static or fixed phenomenon, but rather a dynamic and evolving one.

AI art is an invitation to explore, experiment, and express yourself with the help of artificial intelligence. It is an opportunity to expand your possibilities and horizons of creativity. It is a challenge to rethink and redefine what art is and what it can be.

We hope this article has inspired you to unleash your imagination and create your own AI art. Have fun and enjoy your creativity! PLEASE SHARE YOUR CREATIONS BELOW🎨

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