Ghosts of Azshara: Classic WoW Grinding Showcase

4 min readOct 9, 2019


From trying to farm that 1% drop formula, to maximising your XP/hour, there’s plenty of reasons for wanting to find a decent place to grind in Classic WoW. This series of mine will focus on a list of locations I have discovered to be great for grinding all the way to level 60 (and beyond). Enough people will already know of these spots, and if you do, I hope you find something more to take away with you.

I have a massive list of places I would like to share, some more secret than others, some better for gold, others for XP/hour. Some simply may just be in a quiet spot but still holds some value. This showcase is the result of research & experimentation after struggling to quest to 60 on a full capacity PvP server. I hope you enjoy reading this content as much as I did creating it!

The first part of the showcase is going to be The Highborne Ghosts of Shadowsong Shrine in south-western Azshara.

Long ago, the Highborne were some of the most powerful students of the arcane the night elves ever produced. The corruption that comes along with such studies caused much harm to night elf society and greatly affected all of Azeroth… as I’m sure you well know.

Suited for levels 44+ this spot is both great for XP & GPH due to the low HP of the casters, and the mageweave drops. Before I go any further, I will mention that these mobs are the objective of the quest Spiritual Unrest. This means that you may run into others here occassionally. I find it best to wait and see if they are questing or intend to grind before leaving or ganking (the quest wont take them long).

You will want to prioritise killing the green Highborn Lichling’s, as they are the caster mobs with lower HP. The mobs will spawn all across the ruins, and up on top of the hill around 15, 73. Although there are lots of variables that will affect how efficient this place is for you (such as server, level, time of day etc), you should have mobs spawning back in by the time you have finished them all off. It is also handy to note that they appear to have some shadow resistence. Although this is not a huge amount, it can affect your speeds if you are trying to min/max the area.

There is also a rare spawn that will ocassionally appear called Varo’then’s Ghost. Although I am unsure of the respawn time, he appears to be here fairly often. However, it appears that you will only get 1–2 greens (unless you are very lucky). You will be able to notice him by his unique blue colour.

If you find that this location is too crowded or are waiting for respawns, you can move just east to the camp of Haldarr Satyr’s. Although I believe they don’t drop Felcloth, they are still a decent source of XP and gold before you return to the Highborne.

I have found this area to net me up to around 45000 XP/hour, if Lichlings were spawning in more than the Apparitions. Back in Vanilla, this spot was used frequently by Chinese gold farmers, as it was a great source of gold through the pure silver and mageweave.

Take note of the 2 chest spawn locations. The first can be found on top of the hill ruins, around 15, 72. The second one is in the middle of the main ruins, and can be found around 17, 68.

The second part of this showcase will be focusing on the Lingering Highborne & Spitelash Naga that patrol central Azshara. This part will be up once I have finished gathering the screenshots…




Writing grinding showcase articles for Classic WoW after getting ganked lots on a full capacity PvP server.