Confronting the Self — Why Do You Keep Quitting Again And Again?

I might have been brainwashed into believing that I can never succeed

Urvashi Singh
6 min readMar 29, 2024
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

There is a block within you.

You are not sure what do you want.

Is it just the money that you are going after, or the audience? No, not for any popularity, but because audience also means money.

You know how it is done.

You have been following so many people in your space, who are doing the same thing that you have been wanting to do. You have read all their articles, spied on their LinkedIn, and lingered on their Twitter longer than they would be spending time on it, but still, you feel


If only I buy just another course.

Well, you have bought tonnes of courses in the last five years, but you haven’t progressed much.

If only I could find one mentor, who specifically tells me what to do, how is it done, and how to go about it every single day.

Well, you are not looking for a mentor, nor do you need any courses. All you need is someone who can carve out a fixed routine for you on a day-to-day basis, and tell you,

“If you do this every single day, for the next three or six months, or one year, you will make 100,000 dollars.”

So that if you cannot do it, you can blame it all on your mentor, or the course.

And, of course, that mentor of yours will keep you on track. Will be after your life when you wish to slip away to an easy yet stressful life. Will guide you when you feel stuck. Will motivate you with her powerful words, and those words will hit you so hard, that you will wake in the middle of the night, and do nothing, but just write.

That is what you are looking for, and if someone is charging 10000 dollars from you, and is ready to do all this for you, you would even beg someone for the money, to add this one more course, to a long list of other courses that you have invested.. ahem.. wasted your money in, because you didn’t gain anything from them.

No mate, the courses were not at fault. You were at fault.

You learned. You got excited. You felt you were now ready to take over the world. You felt this course would take you ahead of all the people around you. You dreamt of a freedom lifestyle, where you would do N number of luxurious things for yourself and your family. And you went through the courses. Consumed all of that. Attended all the events, seminars, workshops, and what they call… cohorts these days.

But, after three years, you are where you were.

You have a zillion of information sitting idly inside you, but you are where you were three years ago.

The people around you, who you wanted to leave behind on the journey, have moved farther away from you, much ahead, but you are where you were.

You had thought you would change the game for yourself, and inspire others to do the same, but instead of inspiring you have ironically demotivated those people. They do not want to tread the same path as yours, because they feel there is nothing on this new path. And they may not say it, but they know you have failed. Badly.

Do you know, why?

Because you didn’t take enough action.

Okay, fine, you took action.

But you didn’t play the game for long enough.

You quit.

Not once. Not twice. Not thrice.

You just quit as many times as you can’t even recall.

And now, quitting has become a part of your DNA.

You badly want to break those shackles and move beyond your boundaries, but you just can’t. You are unable to break the chains.

One more task waiting for you to QUIT it.

Are you going to quit yet again?

As you spend more and more time here, you notice people who had started with you have moved ahead in life.

What has stayed with you?


Regret that you did not continue for long enough.

You know it, if only you had stayed, you would have been somewhere in the game.

You might not have built an empire but you might have just built a good house for yourself.

You might not have earned 10 million dollars, but you might have earned 1000 dollars.

You might not have 1 million subscribers, but you still might have earned a few thousand subscribers.

But, the point isn’t HOW MUCH you earn.

The point is you didn’t earn anything.

Not a dime.

And a few kind people did subscribe to you, but you ditched them. You didn’t care enough about them. And that’s why you quit.

This is your last resort.

You will not have any answers to write after this.

What will you tell your children? What will you say to your parents?

How would you like it if your children also got into the habit of quitting just like you?

You don’t want that. None of us want that.

The days are going by, and so are the months, and the years.

And life, no it isn’t short. But it is too uninspirational, drowsy, where you have nothing to look forward to, nothing to attend to.

Every day you wake up, and you think, should you go find a job for yourself to earn some money, or should you just stay in this game, and build for yourself what others have done for themselves?

You dream big dreams for yourself.

You wish to write for yourself - ‘I became who I wanted to be’ or ‘I made this possible’, but you never go all in.

If you’re going to try, go all the way.

Otherwise, don’t even start.

— Charles Bukowski

You have read those words many times. The words sounded really impactful, but not powerful enough to move you.

As long as you have options, this will go on. There is no option.

This is the only option. It’s a Do or Die.

You know how distressing life is when you live with regrets.

Which pain is better for you — get up and do something for your future self, or get down, and regret not doing things in the past?

Get done with excuses. There is no point in excuses now.

In fact, there is no point in anything now.

You either do it, or you get done with it.

Or accept the fact that you are not capable.


But the voice inside you keeps on shouting all the time,

I have what it takes.’

I have done enough in the past.’

I have done everything in the past that was assigned to me, rather successfully.’

Your mind refuses to accept that you can’t do much.

Then why are you not doing it?

I lack the way.

Oh, not again.

You lack the way? MAKE THE WAY.

Spend some time and carve a timetable for yourself.

No mentor will come and make the way for you. They will guide you.

Do this. Do that.

Accept that you already know most of the stuff. You just have to get into the routine and get disciplined.

Tell me did you not know it?

If this year you could not do anything to turn things around, if you could not do anything to transform your life, you will find yourself in such a deep pit, that it will be difficult to get out of it, even more difficult than what you are feeling right now..

You have lost faith in yourself. You have lost confidence in yourself. You have lost trust in yourself.

It’s time, you get back, all three of them.

Everybody out there, all millennials, who own million-dollar businesses were in a job at some point of time. None of them had a PhD in business.

But what did they all have in common?

Burning Desire.

You would say you too have the desire.

But it’s not ‘Burning’ Sweetheart.

Just get the f**k up and do it. Build Your Life.

Do it for your children. Do it for your husband. Do it for your parents. Do it for your neighbours. Do it for the world. And if none of that convinces you enough,

Do it for YOURSELF.

Why do you think you would still not do it?

Remember, you are in a pit. You might have climbed a brick or two, but if you let loose on yourself, you will fall again. You are still in a pit.


So just get started.



Urvashi Singh

Educator | Documenting My Journey To Be My Best Self - Finding People Who Are Sailing In The Same Boat As I Am | Write to me: