History of Connectius

1 min readDec 4, 2017

We rst started conceptualizing the Connectius Ecosystem in 2016. At that time, the need for such a platform was already there. Blockchain technology and the Ethereum network had only just started to gain momentum, and we followed closely on its development. The situation with the DAO ICO worried us. We waited for the reactions of major world governments regarding any new regulations being put on ICOs. All of this ultimately forced us to delay our plans of ICO for almost a whole year.

The situation changed during the rst half of 2017, when of cials began to make statements on the subject. We succeeded in collecting the minimal amount of funds necessary to begin the Ecosystem development. This was followed by signi cant rises in cryptocurrency prices, which con rms that demand for the Ecosystem will occur in the near future.

At the time of the ICO, the Connectius team is made up of 14 people. A diverse team of people keen to work on the alpha version of the application has been formed.

