The Ecosystem, What it is Capable Of

3 min readNov 14, 2017


The Connectius.Core platform forms the basis of the Connectius Ecosystem. The main task of the platform is to service partner applications. The platform architecture will consist of the following modules:

API for Interaction with the Platform

A set of API interfaces will be developed To enable interaction between partner applications and the Connectius.Core platform

User Account Database

All ‘Consumer accounts’ (hereafter: user accounts) will have all information stored on Connectius.Core, a general-use platform for all applications serviced by Connectius Ecosystem.

Search and Matching Algorithms

The Connectius.Core platform will accept requests from external applications whose users search for contractors and generate service requests. Matches will be made using the ‘matching’ processor unit, a dedicated unit of the platform architecture. The searching and matching processor will be implemented using intellectually powered and machine-learning algorithms.

Service Requests Handling

All interactions with the Ecosystem will occur by way of smart contracts. As the platform progresses in its development, a typical logic structure will be developed to describe the majority of cases connected to the provision of services. This logic structure will be available to partner applications, which can use the API to have the platform process of their own deals. Critical data gathered during the deal-handling process, the integrity and consistency of which must be guaranteed, will be saved on the blockchain.

Arbiter and Oracle

By eliminating such types of fraud as chargeback fraud, an option will be remained by fair refunds. At least, users will be able just to contact contractors or merchants to resolve a problem. If something goes wrong, there will also be the option to call an

arbiter. The principal task of the arbiter is to resolve disputes that arise on the platform.

Interactive Map and Geolocation Data Processing

The map, reflecting in real time the active objects of the app, adds interactivity and increases the attractiveness of the application. According to our market research, more and more users areиmigrating from stationary platforms to mobile environments. The

usage of GPS services is constantly growing . The visual geolocation module will build the geolocation of objects on the application data. This data will be visualized on the interactive map, which will be available in the application. The map will be obtained initially from a well-known external service.

Support for Token Transfers and Payments

For each user who signs in the platform, an ERC20-format wallet will be generated, which platform tokens will be accumulated in. With the support of the platform, users will be able to transfer tokens within the Ecosystem and spend them on services provided by applications. As the Ecosystem develops, more and more applications will be serviced by the Connectius.Core platform. Accordingly, the platform token will find itself appropriate to more and more applications.

Rating Formation

The Connectius.Core platform helps to provide an algorithm for the formation of user ratings on applications serviced by the Ecosystem. A ready result will be returned to the application, and each action changing a user rating will be logged. Considering that ratings are the main indicator of trustworthiness, it is important that this data is maximally transparent and non-conflictual for all participants of the network. Therefore, the integrity and transparency of the rating data will be ensured by saving the data on the blockchain.




