ConnectJob Attends KAIST Blockchain Summit

2 min readMar 22, 2018


ConnectJob’s team is back from its week long trip to South Korea. With the first event hosted by the country’s foremost public research facility, KAIST (The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), ConnectJob was able to present its decentralized service engagement platform powered by blockchain technology to a very receptive and enthusiastic crowd.

Established in 1971, KAIST is Korea’s premiere, public research facility, ranked the sixth most innovative university in the world and the most innovative university in the Asia Pacific region in 2016 and 2017 by Thomson Reuters. The university has been at the forefront of developing solutions and collaborating with solution providers from all over the world. This is why the institute was extremely pleased to host ConnectJob, alongside five other ICOS, to present the theme of “Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Beyond”.

Renowned for industrious and illustrious workforce, skills acquisition and manpower training forms the core of Korea’s rapid transformation from economic mite to economic might. Workforce development, in particular, has always been a priority with the government, receiving close and empowering employers with the skills necessary to support Korea’s transformation. This transformation has now taken to the blockchain.

Koreans are among the leaders of the blockchain technology and its market. Blockchain startups in the country are not only changing the financial landscape of the country, but also helping it make headways in uncharted waters by bringing people closer to services. The same way ConnectJob intends to.

Heralded by many during the event as a principal solution for service seekers and providers, ConnectJob was well received by the community of academicians, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts. The team was able to get to meet some of the leading stakeholders in blockchain technology who were curious to find out more about how the platform liberates service delivery, skill utilization, and the secure exchange of values.

ConnectJob’s presence at KAIST marks the start of a concrete effort to unleash the potentials of the blockchain and usher in a disintermediated and decentralized service exchange platform for rapid economic transformation.

Our journey has just begun…

