ConnectJob listens to its community

3 min readDec 4, 2017


This is probably a first in the complex world that the cryptocurrency ICO industry has become.
ConnectJob, whom I have the great honor of representing, has listened to its community about the minimum entry amount for its big pre-sale. From ETH 10, the minimum buy-in amount for the pre-sale has therefore been lowered to ETH 1, in order to facilitate and democratize access for all.

For an egalitarian vision on cryptocurrencies

It is true that as a defender of the egalitarian vision of cryptocurrencies, it was problematic and even painful for me to accept the idea of ConnectJob structuring its ICO in terms of “castes,” membership in which was to be determined only by the size of one’s wallet.

In other words, egalitarian as I am by nature, I’ve never managed to find a philosophical answer to the question: “What reason is there to impose a minimum investment of ETH 10 in order to participate in ConnectJob’s pre-sale?” By philosophical answer, I mean one that “strives towards the truth.”

Yet, there is a plethora of reasons, you might retort, starting with the fact that in order to open the sale to all, it is imperative to raise a large amount of funds during the pre-sale. In other words, the “powerful” must pay so that the “weak” can also invest.

You’ll understand, then, the many sleepless nights spent mulling this matter over.

When Proudhon meets Crypto communities

Nevertheless, ever since we began discussing ConnectJob’s ICO, many voices have arisen among my friends, my intellectual community and especially at the very heart of the crypto-community, to challenge me on this painful subject.

And having delved deep into the heart of my reflections on the mutualistic, Proudhonian approach of the blockchain in general and cryptocurrencies in particular, I could not ignore the necessity of applying the principles I believe in and for which I am fighting on a day-to-day basis.

All this is a preamble to my announcement to you that ConnectJob and yours truly have heard and understood the need to put in a more equitable system for our pre-sale.

ConnectJob’s Pre Sale from 1ETH

In practical terms, this means that the entry ticket to the ConnectJob pre-sale has dropped this morning from ETH 10 to ETH 1, the equivalent of approximately EUR 4,000 to EUR 400.

Our public sale, which will begin on April 30th, 2018, remains unchanged with respect to the minimum required to invest, namely ETH 0.4 or roughly EUR 160.

To participate in our project, go to Simply open an account and you can take part in our venture by investing ETH 1ETH (EUR 400) using a Crypto Wallet or a credit card.

To conclude, ConnectJob was built on a real participative model. We have a lot to learn from our community for whom we have built this ambitious project.

Our approach is part of an evolutionary vision of History at the heart of which Order can and must express itself without Power with a clear and precise objective: that of combining the notion of Labor with those of justice, freedom, and equity.

Like I said, an ambitious project.

