The Future of Blockchain Technology

4 min readFeb 4, 2018


Volatility is one of the greatest challenges facing the crypto industry. In less than a month, most digital assets have lost between 50–60% of their closing values for last year. In less than 24 hours, Bitcoin has shrugged close to $2,000 off its weight, setting an all-time low for the year with analysts forecasting that the market could still dip further. The volatility of these new forms of currency can be attributed to one factor; intangibility.

While blockchain technology offers a decentralized and disintermediated medium of exchange protected by cryptographic algorithm, most cryptocurrencies being developed as the vehicle for these exchanges lack tangibility to back their usage. When it comes down to it, fiat currency is just paper that can be exchanged for goods and services. However, it has one thing going for it; it exists — physically. Fiat can be seen, felt, touched, thus fulfilling the most important axiom for acceptability; Seeing is Believing.

What Block? What Chain?

Easy to visualize, harder to explain, difficult to “get”; Blockchain technology is one of the most baffling technology to explain to the vendor across the street. He knows cash and accepts credit cards. He’s also not adverse to transactions over the internet or SMS. But when it comes to cryptocurrency, he just don’t get this “miners, hash, transaction, gas” thing that we’ve got going. Rather than address this problem, most blockchain innovations have resorted to a “Us vs. Them” mentality, creating products that cater exclusively to the crypto community, while the rest of the world plays catch-up. Unfortunately, when the world plays catch-up, it’s strictly based on “How much is it worth, again?”. Hence the reason why the market is always susceptible to FUD and FOMO. Once there’s a bark or a clearing of the throat somewhere, the market goes belly up.

For blockchain technology to truly go mainstream, it has to have some sort of tangibility attached to it, something that vendor across the street can see, touch, and feel.

Introducing Blockchain 3.0

Asset-backed blockchain innovation is the answer to this problem, innovations that people can see, feel, touch, and assign values to. A psychologist may just be saying words, but the words he choose to use — or not use — and how he uses them is the reason why he gets to bill by the hour. Same goes for that lawyer, this writer, those musician, and that painter. They all have different skills and ability and while one man’s music is another man’s noise, it hasn’t stopped people assigning values and worth to these skills.

Cryptocurrencies need to have values assigned to them. Values that is globally measurable. Values like what decentralized service platform, ConnectJob, has set out to do.

“Volatility is the next challenge for ConnectJob. Most of the people say ICOs end on the last day of the sale. I say different. It begins the day after the last day when the token is exchangeable and its value is volatile. But ConnectJob’s founders and myself are coming from the “classic” online world where before we plan something we ensure we have the funds. We are not gamblers. We took the volatility issue in consideration and I can tell you this won’t be an issue for ConnectJob’s mobile app development and launch”

The proof is in the pudding and ConnectJob has been developing an all-encompassing ecosystem for its CJT tokens. CJT is the frictionless currency for all settlement of the service exchange platform where users can engage the services of skilled jobbers for their daily chores. CJT allow users to engage highly-skilled service personnel, insure the exchange of these services, and access premium services. CJT can also be seamless exchange to fiat currency for those who would rather stick with the familiar.

By developing an all-encompassing, global service platform for both the crypto and the mainstream market, ConnectJob aims to finally be the bridge across the divide.

“We built ConnectJob not for ourselves but for the community. Once we will release the product, it will no longer belong to us but to our community”

CJT are currently being offered to the public at 2400CJT/ETH with a 30% bonus on every purchase. Contributors can contribute to the sales via Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), or in fiat (USD/EUR). ICO runs from 12/01/2017 to 04/30/2018.

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