Christina & Helen
8 min readMar 20, 2022

2022 USA East Coast road trip — Day 5

Another late start this morning as we are bloody hungover 🤮 But we defo needed the lie in.

First things first — breakfast! We got a $20 breakfast voucher from our B+B owner for a nearby diner so didn’t want to waste that.

Food was decent. Helen got the corned beef hash and Tina got an egg and sausage grilled cheese with a pancake.

Look at the size of that pancake!

Before we got on the road we stocked up with our huge drinks!

Love them! And just what’s needed for the hangover today. The

A Helen for scale, but it still doesn’t look as big as it is in the photos 😂

First sight seeing stop was Max’s house from Hocus Pocus.

It’s one of Tina’s fave movies so she was delighted to see it.

Helen didn’t bother getting out the car 😂 😂 😂

We then took a quick stop at Procters ledge.

Proctor’s Ledge is a memorial dedicated to the 19 people who were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials.

On our way to our next stop we stopped at Bette Davis’s house.

Again, Helen didnt bother getting out the car 😂 😂 😂

Neither of us are fans of Bette Davis but it was cool to see the house anyway since we were passing.

On our way to the next state we passed this really cool bridge. So we stopped and snapped a few pics.

Then we headed for New Hampshire. Nothing in particular planned in this state but just wanted to drive through.

It started to get really misty and it was very cold. We passed loads of frozen over lakes.

The photos don’t even do it justice — it was stunning!

We pass through loads of lovely towns…

We even entered Shirley 😂 😂 😂

Into the next state — Vermont. Again nothing significant planned but just wanted to have a drive through and see it.

We were hoping to see the “Welcome to Vermont" sign but there wasn’t one 😭 So need to get that on the way back.

The drive was really calming, all the roads were misty and the trees and view were gorgeous.

All was going well until the GPS took us down some stupid dirt road and we almost had a heart attack 😂 😂 😂 The road was so slippy and we got quite scared that we were going to slip off or stuck in the mud! Luckily we managed to get out but my god our hearts were jumping out our chests 😂 😂 😂

We stopped for a quick toilet break and had some donuts.

We saw another cool bridge and broken pier — this time Tina didn’t bother getting out the car. 😂 😂 😂 Far too cold!

We then headed back to Massachusetts.

We managed to snap photo of the Vermont sign from the other end of the street. Gutted we couldn’t get a selfie with it through.

Finally we arrived at our town for this evening — Shelburne Falls. It’s a beautiful place. We are staying in an old 1800s B+B called the Dancing Bear Guest House.

The place is amazing and the owner Phil was a lovely man!

Inside was cool too - So quirky!

Here is the room we are staying in tonight, and we have our own separate private bathroom.

After checking in we went for dinner at the town pub. The exterior of this pub is what was used in Dexter as the Iron Lake Tavern. So that was really exciting!

Here is a still from Dexter…

Although the interior wasn’t used it was still lovely. We sat overlooking the lake.

Dinner was ok. We got a goats cheese burger and a meatloaf cheese melt and shared them.

After dinner we walked around Shelburne looking at all the buildings used in Dexter.

Here is the Townhall which in Dexter was used as the Iron Lake Police HQ.

And here it is in Dexter…

There’s a little clothes shop which was used as Fred’s bait shop where Dexter worked.

Here’s a still from Dexter…

Here’s a shot of the bridge and showing off Shelburne.

And here’s the still from Dexter…

So as you can see we were buzzing being here since Dexter is one of our favourite shows! 😂 😂 😂

Especially seeing the bridge which was an iconic part of the show.

Then we took a 20 min drive to Whatley Diner — which in the show is used as Caldwell Truck Stop Diner.

This place was cool.

We recreated some Dexter scenes 😂 😂 😂

We popped in for a milkshake and some cherry pie. We weren’t impressed with the waitress at first as she seemed grumpy, but she redeemed herself and turned out to be really nice.

This is the Booth Dexter sat at!

Quick selfie with the outside sign and then headed back to Shelburne.

We wanted to explore the place at nighttime and it’s just as gorgeous!

We went back in the pub for a quick drink before heading back to the guest house.

The street and house was amazing at night too. Very creepy.

There was the biggest storm! Felt like the house was going to come down. The thunder and lightening was amazing. Scary, but amazing.

Here is our route for today.

Early night for us tonight as a long drive tomorrow with lots of cool towns to see.