USA Road Trip 2019 — Day 4

Christina & Helen
7 min readSep 18, 2019


Finally we got a decent sleep and woke up at a more sensible time at 6:30.

It was too dark to explore Needles when we arrived last night so had a ganders this morning.

Then we headed to an old abandonded gas station along Route 66. It was is great condition so we think its kept by being restored.

Just before we left California we done our usual gas station stop to fill the car up. We bought a drink for the road and got it free because the lady loved Tina’s Scottish accent! “This one’s on me honey, I could listen to you alllll day”. Tina always gets attention in America with that accent 😂😂😂

Back on Route 66 and we crossed the state line into Arizona.

First stop in Arizona was a little town called Oatman. It was like something out a movie set.

We grabbed a quick breakfast before we began to explore. Nothing fancy. Just to hold us over until we hit a route 66 diner at lunch.

All over the town there was donkeys just roaming around. I guess the table ornaments at breakfast made more sense now!

One of them kept following us because they could smell Helens crisps. The cheeky thing sneaked up behind Tina and snatched the carrier bag, which burst and the cheeky thing tried to do a runner with the crisps. We managed to grab them just before it did 😂😂😂

There was some amazing little quirky shops with loads of nice Native Indian type jewelry, stones and dream catchers.

We found an old thrift store and added to our USA lisence plate collection.

They also have the best store names…

Oatman is defo a fantastic little town. One of our fave so far. Really fun and quirky, so right up our street.

Back on Route 66 towards our next town. The road was winding all up the mountains and the view from the top was incredible.

At the top of the mountain by the roadside we found another cool gas station.

The owners even have a donkey here called Blackjack.

Our next town was Kingman, we didn’t stay here too long but went for lunch in an old Route 66 diner. The building itself used to be an old Diner and Gas Station called Kingman Cafe and Kimo Shell Station in the 1930s but it was bought and remodeled in 2008 to look as it does today.

The food was pretty good. Fries were delicious. Would have liked it to come out in those red food baskets just to add a bit more authenticity to it. But hey ho.. Didn’t stop us demolishing our food 🙊🙊🙊

You can’t go to a 50s diner without getting a milkshake, and they were amazing. We loved the glasses they were served in. Felt like we were in the 50s.

Our next stop was a little town called Chloride.

There wasn’t too much here except a gorgeous little old gas station. Doesn’t look abandoned, we think it might actually be someone’s home now.

How amazing would it be to have an old gas station as your house!

After Kingman we drove to a little town called Hackberry. Again not much here except an old Gas Station. This one has been turned into a souvenir shop.

Tina left one of her sticker designs here along with other travellers who do the same. Tina’s design is the little pink ice cream skull.

Next up, a town called Truxton, and another old gas station 😊

We also drove around for ages trying to find this direction post…

We finally found it though. We think it had been moved.

Next up, a town called Sedona. Its a quirky little place with loads of cool motel signs.

We went for dinner at the Roadkill Cafe. It wasn’t bad. Helen wasn’t impressed at all. But Tina thought it was OK.

At this point we checked our credit card statement to see we had been charged £60 for “damage” at a previous hotel we stayed at. When we called they said we had “torn up the blinds and towels”, fucking liars. So we have to deal with that tomorrow, what a nuisance. 😔😡

We loved this little part of the town. Felt like the Wild West.

We were a bit behind schedule so we went into our last little town called Williams. Already fuming at that motel charge it didn’t help when we arrived in Williams there was a problem with our booking, that it had been cancelled. 😡 Luckily we managed to get that sorted and got our booking back.

Before heading to bed we took a little stroll along the Route 66 Road through Williams and went for a couple of drinks in the Longhorn Saloon.

This was a great little find as it’s a bar for the locals and no tourists around except us. We prefer that. The bar lady was lovely and we met a lovely lady there too who bought us a shot each to welcome us to America. But the best thing about it was there was a pub cat called Tuffy who drinks milk at the bar like a local.

Tuffy took a shine to Helen (obviously, she is a cat whisperer!)

He was so sweet. He just loved the attention. He even came in for a selfie with Helen.

Here is today’s final route that we done :

Another earlyish night for tomorrow’s Route 66 journey to continue.

