The Ballet of the Lightning Bug

Conner Kupferberg
3 min readJun 7, 2023


Once upon an eternal darkness, in an impenetrable forest of unseen shadows and enigmatic ether, a single lightning bug took flight. Its radiant dance, a flurry of phosphorescence, sliced through the curtain of nothingness, casting an ethereal glow on the unseen woodland below.

Oblivious to its own incandescent beauty, the bug pirouetted and spiraled in the frosty air, its luminescence a beacon in the cosmic theater. Beyond its perception, the forest teemed with silent observers, unseen inhabitants drawn towards the spectacle of the lightning bug’s dance. Each observer, much like a moth entranced by the luminosity of a solitary flame, was irresistibly pulled towards the alluring glow.

In the yawning expanse of the forest, shrouded in enigmatic gloom, the lightning bug found distant company. Specks of luminescence, each a distant cousin in the cosmic dance, flickered rhythmically, harmonizing with the bug’s ballet. Unbeknownst to the bug, its tiny pirouettes were part of a grand tapestry, a symphony of light and shadow woven by the combined cadences of countless dancers.

The forest was no ordinary woodland; it lacked tangible paths or towering canopies. Instead, it was an abyss so profound, a void of such existential weight that even light quivered at its edges. Yet, this was not a darkness of illumination; the light arrived unhindered. It was a chasm of existence, a gulf of consciousness, where energy, and life itself, went spiraling towards an entropic silence that the passage of time ceaselessly carved.

Each denizen of the forest, an ethereal observer of the lightning bug’s ballet, once knew this void as a foreign concept, then acknowledged its looming presence, and finally, accepted its inevitable arrival. With time, they grew senses to perceive the intangible, to hear the silence, and to traverse the darkness, gathering around islands of radiance in a silent pact of shared existence. The inevitable embrace of the void transformed their dance, from a frivolous pirouette to a passionate rhapsody against the impending quietus.

Yet, to the bug, the forest was alive with unseen silhouettes and celestial spectacles. It danced under the watchful eyes of its silent spectators, the forest’s boundary stretching to an observable horizon bathed in the ancient light of a primordial dawn. Its ballet was an ode to existence, a defiance against the encroaching void.

The forest’s denizens, fascinated by the bug’s youthful radiance and effervescence, reveled in the nostalgic charm of its innocent performance. Yet, they understood the delicate nature of the dance and the skittish fragility of the dancer. To encroach too near would extinguish the ballet, to make their presence known would unbalance the elegant pirouettes. Thus, they maintained a respectful distance, veiled observers lost in the mesmerizing luminescence, unallowed to touch.

As the bug continued its radiant performance, the forest’s inhabitants found a promise within its innocent twirls, a shared vision of a forest reborn. It became a ballet depicting an earlier and simpler stage of existence. The observers and the lightning bug, in an intricate dance of their own, maintain a careful balance, a dance of observation and ignorant performance. Death and rebirth, reflected in the glistened ripples their shoes pique upon the cosmos.

