Everything you need to know about Slender Man

Conner Moss
2 min readFeb 14, 2019


Slender Man is a mythical being that steels children and kills them. He is very evil. He has no face and wears a tuxedo.

He was created on Creepypasta, but there were sightings even before he was created.

As you can see, Slender Man has been seen in all of the past photos.

How to summon him: How to summon him: (This works better at night)

  1. Go into the woods, and carve a circle into a tree and put and X through it. press your face gently against the tree and close your eyes. …
  2. Chant: Slenderman, Slenderman, all the children try to run, Slenderman, Slenderman, to him its part of the fun. …
  3. Then, turn around.

