Seven Personalized Mother’s Day Gifts Your Mom will Love

Connie Pombo
3 min readApr 27, 2023


Photo by Connie Pombo

Mother’s Day is a great time to express your love and gratitude to your mom. We always want to get a great gift, but somehow, we seem to stick to the familiar ones: candy, flowers, and jewelry. This year why not try to personalize your gift — something that’s in line with your mom’s interests.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Hobby Gift. My mom is an oil painter and one year I gave her a blank canvas and some new oil paints. Of course, I searched around in her studio to find her preferred brand of paints and brushes, but she was thrilled with the gift. She knew I took the time to make it personal.

2. Sheller’s Bag. I’m listing this one in hopes that my kids will read this article. The last time I received a personalized Mother’s Day gift was when our boys were in grade school: a pair of hands dipped in paint and framed. I cherish them, but now that we moved to the Sunshine State and most of my days are spent on the beach collecting shells, I’d love one of those professional sheller’s bags with the different compartments.

3. Pampering Gift. This is not extremely original, but you can personalize it by getting a gift card for a day at your mom’s favorite spa for a manicure or pedicure. You might even combine it with a gift card to her favorite restaurant, so it can be a full day of love and pampering.

4. DNA Ancestry Kit. This idea actually came from my husband. He’s been wanting to do this for a long time and if I don’t receive it for Mother’s Day, I can give it to him for Father’s Day. There’s nothing more personal than finding out where your roots came from.

5. Personalized Perfume. Etsy is a great place to look for one-of-a-kind items and with perfume, you can customize a scent or even have her name etched in glass and the date. That makes it personal.

6. Customized Plant: One year, I got my mom a gardenia plant. She told me the story of the first corsage she received for her senior prom from my dad; it was a gardenia. She now has her very own plant in the back yard that seems to get more blooms each year. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

7. A Personalized Star. Did you know that you can have a star named after your mom? There are various sites on the Internet and prices range from $19 to $69 depending on the package and what it includes.

These are just a few ideas to create something more personal for Mother’s Day. And you might even want to make your own card to go with it. I still cherish the ones our boys made for me when they were younger. Just remember to make sure it comes from the heart; you can’t get more personal than that.

