Make Your Website Look Professional Know It How?

Connor Pullman
5 min readDec 9, 2019


Building a website was daunting, but not anymore. There are multiple platforms out there that offer you the freedom to build a professional-looking website for your business. But do they look professional?

In most cases, they do not.

Some or the other component is found to be broken. You look for technical assistance to fix the things you unintentionally screwed up in the search for a free or maybe a reasonable website building option.

So what is that you can do about it?

You have two options: either learn how to develop a professional business website or collaborate with a learned professional web design company working day in and day out to produce attractive and user-focussed websites.

Going with the first option is I don’t think feasible for you. While selecting the other one is a more intelligent way moving forward. However, with the second option too, you as a business owner should be aware of steps responsible for making a website look professional that can attract visitors and leave a lasting impression.

Modern-day website design is not about just coding or striking graphics. It goes beyond and something that you need to pay attention to.

Following are the top six steps to building a professional business website.

1. Define website goals

Keep website goals front-of-mind. Whether you want a portfolio website to showcase your work or want to sell products online or offer services you specialize in? Defining goals at an early stage will help you efficiently plan your website and improve focus on achieving your goals.

2. Follow a user-centric approach

Majority of the websites fail to address this. Even the most professional web design company tends to skip it. However, this is one of the biggest reasons why visitors bounce as quickly as they land on your website.

No matter how renowned your company is or how great is the team behind, users only pay attention to the part of content that adds value to their lives. This requires you to make a radical shift to the way how content is written and displayed on your website.

If you are able to convey or tell your visitors what they get in-return of a certain action then there’s a possibility they’d act and interact with your website. Say for example, if you are able to clearly tell them that after successful registration they’d get a free copy of a book, then they are likely to act on your suggestion than to refrain from it.

3. Keep customer experience in mind

Well, you ought to remember this because at the end of the day, customer experience is what matters. You do not want your customers to just avail your service or simply use your website, rather you want them to be satisfied.

“Wow, this website looks awesome” is good but what if your customers end up saying “Wow, the website is awesome and that shopping experience was easy, quick and intuitive”. This is something you should be targeting. Not only it will make a difference but also leave a mark in the minds of customers. You might see more number of customers returning than before.

4. Mobile-friendly is the way forward

Gone are the days when users browse the web only on desktops or laptops. With smartphones penetrating the market, today, the number of mobile users has surpassed desktop users.

What this means is that you can’t afford to have a website that’s not mobile-friendly. You need to consult a professional web design company for making necessary adjustments on your existing website. In case of a new one, ask them for a responsive website straight up.

Responsiveness is a part of professional web design that needs attention now, to be future-ready and accessible to everyone regardless of the device they use to browse your website. A mobile-friendly website keeps you in competition and race to achieving to new heights every day.

5. Plan for the future

While you might want to go with DIY website makers due to their cheap fees and promise of a fully-fledged design in a matter of hours, I am afraid that it may not do the job for you. Well, if you are foreseeing the website with a limited set of features, functionalities and control in the future too, then DIY builders may be a good choice to opt.

However, on the other side, if you are thinking to add new features, have more control and expression in the coming days, then it may be worth to collaborate with a professional team of designers.

6. Be inspired

There is nothing wrong in being inspired. You can get inspiration from the web. There are plenty of options available to make you think creatively. Explore the web, take a screenshot of the ones you like, write notes why you like them and simply, form a document titled ‘design inspiration’.

This will not only help you plan better, but translate your thoughts to the professional web design company in a more effective manner. The experts at the company will get a clearer picture of what’s required. Based on the same, they can guide you and build something relatable and creative.

Final thoughts

While there are a lot of aspects that contribute to making a website look professional, the web design is just a part of it. Try to build on the process step-by-step. Ensure that design is craftily build with intelligent use of space, color, elements, font and most importantly placement of content along with the steps included in this article.

Feel free to add points or share your thoughts in the comments section.



Connor Pullman

Coherent Lab LLP is top rated mobile and web development company offers budget friendly software solutions for its clients.